Hands drawing a website/app wireframe flow on a notebook

Q2 2023 Plan

Moving onto the Q2 2023 plan, I feel more hopeful about achieving something by the end of the year. Usually, Q2 is the Time of Great Forgetting. In the Northern Hemisphere summer is on it’s way, and goals just get buried under a load of summer related activities.

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extreme close up of flowering moss

2023 Transplantiversary

As I write, today is my 2023 Transplantiversary, though you won’t see this post for a few days more. It was 2011 when the call came, and I berated the doctor for ringing and ringing all my numbers continuously until I finally answered. Not that I know anything about my donor, except that he/she/they died in the night. Most likely a traffic incident.

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A small pottery cup with gold and black coloured cracks along with the poem did you ever think you had all the answers , and then found you were wrong.

Utter Chaos

There’s a saying, or perhaps it’s a proverb or idiom about planning. I know it as When man plans the devil laughs… But I’ve also heard variations including, god, ducks, and chaos. Chaos Chaos, in the Ancient Greek creation myths, was the first entity. According to Hesiod, Chaos was a gaping abyss located somewhere between[…]READ MORE?

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