I’m not sure whether it’s because this is already an unusual year, but I’ve been thinking more about my morning routine. Perhaps because there’s been so little else to pin the days on, and the lazy, langourous, sleepy sense of nothing much happening lasts for about 87 hours per day.
My morning routine has grown and changed since those early adventures. With the addition of Julia Cameron’s Morning Pages, Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning, and a version of monk’s routine, it’s more of a more morning routine than it was.
Least ways it had been… Right up until I fell out of the habit.
Though I was recently reminded of a quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Benjamin Franklin
And given I found that time before anything else in the house is up, to be a very productive time indeed.
And I have a sort of plan to be going on with…
Perhaps it’s time to get started on the routine once more.
I’d still like to use the early morning time for writing, though with the hand injury, I haven’t been doing that. Or waking early for that matter.
Which reminds me of the ground effect, something I mentioned in September last year.
“ground effect with airplanes is a feeling that the plane pushes away from the ground as it gets closer, can just float over the ground once it is in the air.”
Dean Wesley smith
Dean was talking about the way writing feels easier when you do it every day.
And I noticed that after a while, I woke up in time for my 4:30 am writing session before my alarm went off. Though since I haven’t written regularly for a while, I usually sleep past it now.
It will be hard to start again, but like all habits, automatic once momentum sets in again.
Morning coffee in the north of sweden at sunrise. Photo by Martin Edholm on Unsplash