You might remember, I believe “wealth” is more than just money. Health goals can help you make sure you’re healthy enough, to spend the time doing all the things you want to do.
Tag: Body
To mastectomy or not
While I don’t need to explain or justify my mastectomy decision, it makes a good opportunity to talk about how (and why) I made my choice, as well planning and long-term thinking can be useful.
Three Types of Beauty
According to my loosey-goosey blog schedule, today’s post is supposed to be about Beauty, but I really have very little idea what to write about. So, I do what I always do in these circumstances – a random internet search to see what comes up. Here, in order of listing,[…]Read more
More Morning Routine
I’m not sure whether it’s because this is already an unusual year, but I’ve been thinking more about my morning routine. Perhaps because there’s been so little else to pin the days on, and the lazy, langourous, sleepy sense of nothing much happening lasts for about 87 hours per day.
2023 Transplantiversary
As I write, today is my 2023 Transplantiversary, though you won’t see this post for a few days more. It was 2011 when the call came, and I berated the doctor for ringing and ringing all my numbers continuously until I finally answered. Not that I know anything about my donor, except that he/she/they died in the night. Most likely a traffic incident.
Making Space
I’m not getting rid of my house, husband or dog. The change I’m looking for is simply making space. I’m sure I’m not the only one who looks back on the good old pre-pandmic days. And in my case back to the gold old pre-stroke days.
What to do next?
Lately I’ve been finding myself tired. There’s so much stuff going on I have no idea what to do next.
2022 Transplantiversary
It’s that time again – the 2022 transplantiversary. Eleven years and counting – officially past the nice, neat, predictable transplanted lifetime.