Press room

Contact Details

For press/media enquiries, Word documents or high/low-resolution jpg files, contact Alexandria Blaelock at:
t: +613 9758 1378 (recorded service)

Awards and publications

The cover of "Crowd Surfing" edited by David Vernon shows a crowd of people at a rock concert.
an icon of a man with a crook
A feather quill in an ink pot
This Woman Can Logo
4 photos: a white kitchen, a blue sofa, a big oval bath, and a hot pink sofa
The Style Podcast
an icon of a man with a crook
a man in an armchair and a large chess piece
My deal logo
PartySlate logo
Lightworker Advocate Magazine Summer edition 2017 1
A shattering lightglobe on the cover of Pulphouse Magazine.
A feather quill in an ink pot
four photos: a man watching a woman on a foggy night, several people in a tunnel, a dark and mysterious male face and a typewriter
a c encased in a circle
A woman pushing a wheelbarrow
Prosperity Kitchen
A feather quill in an ink pot
A feather quill in an ink pot
Learning to See logo
A tale laid for a big dinner with lots ofcutery and glasses.
Mr Gift Blog
A feather quill in an ink pot
My deal logo
A womn sitting on a cusion with a child sitting on a a seperate cushion
Intouch Rugby
A woman in a summer top cradling her neck on her hand
Mums Delivery
IgniteRock 1

More me than you can poke a stick at

All photo credits Kristian Gehradte