September October 2023 Progress Report

It feels like a lot happened during September October 2023, but that’s mainly because it’s a relatively long time (8 weeks). And during that time, I was preparing to go into hospital, stayed for a week, and now I’m out, but still recuperating now.

Surgery casts a long shadow. Unless it’s a transplant in which case it peps you up while exhausts you trying to keep up with it.

Ah memories.

Highlights from September October 2023

Sadly not a transplant, but a bilateral mastectomy. For which I’ll need some clothing alterations which I haven’t budgeted for.

Feeling like a decafffeinated spider before I went in, and very grateful for the habits and routines that helped me get back to normal. And considering life altering experiences throughout.

And so far as hospitals go, this one wasn’t that bad. The food was good, the nurses apologised for intruding, and there was Netflix!

As part of my prep, I took a bunch of books out of the library, but couldn’t follow a story (very odd and possibly due to the stories I picked), so I focused on non-fiction, writing books, and those with lots of pictures! Some mucy better than others.

The Body on the TrainAn Edited LifeDear Writer, You Need to QuitDear Writer, Are You In Burnout?The Benevolent Society of Ill-mannered LadiesDear Writer, You’re Doing It WrongDear Writer, Are You In Writer’s Block?Dear Writer, You’re Doing It RightSelf-care for the Real World3 Word RebellionEffortlessCopywriting Third EditionTrainThe London Underground Serial KillerThe People on Platform 5Brave Not PerfectHidden London

I know it looks like a lot, but somehow, I’m 2 books behind schedule again…


There is a Q4 post coming, but for the moment, I’m finishing off the Q3 plan; focusing on publishing again, and settinh my Keystone Activities as:

  • Write for at least an hour a day.
  • Publish a book a fortnight.

My new long-term goals are

  • Finish some of the long-term outstanding items.
  • Fix up the bits that fell off when I moved hosts and changed themes
  • Publish five new books
  • Get my back catalogue up for sale in my shop.

Goal Scoring

As a refresher; the score is a percentage of the times I did the activity divided by the times I planned to. For example, I’m planning to publish 2 books a month, so if I only manage 1, the result is 50%. A “good” score is above 85%. I check in every week, but I’ll only note the averages here.

Write at least 50 words each day.9.84%Shouldn’t really surprised anyone I didn’t get much writing done.
Publish a book a fortnight0%No real surprise I didn’t get to the publishing over September October either.

So that’s me for September October 2023! I’ve started moving a little faster now that it’s November, so stay tuned for next month!

How did you get on?

Comfy, cuddly napping/sleeping cat pillow. Photo by me!

You can find my monthly reports and other planning related information on the Life Worth Living page.

Planning a Life Worth Living

Let’s face it, life is short. If you don’t stop to think about how you’re going to make it count, at the end of the day, it won’t.

Planning a Life Worth Living applies business techniques to personal concerns. Using these techniques, you’ll get to the end of the year satisfied with what you’ve achieved.

Take a look at how I do my planning.

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