Tag: Signature Wardrobe

  • 2023 Post-Mastectomy Summer Wardrobe Update

    2023 Post-Mastectomy Summer Wardrobe Update

    It’s time to examine the full horror of my 2023 post-mastectomy summer wardrobe update. I happily said, all I need is a dog walking dress and a top for $395; just enough to get me through the season.

  • Planning a Post-Mastectomy (flat chested) Wardrobe

    Going by how much difficulty I had with my post-mastectomy Summer Plan, I wanted to write something specifically for post-matectomy women planning to go flat chested. This post will do until I can find the time to update the book with my findings.

  • 2023 Post-Mastectomy Summer Wardrobe Plan

    2023 Post-Mastectomy Summer Wardrobe Plan

    Five minutes ago summer arrived, so I decided to revamp my summer plan with the mastectomy to produce a 2023 post-mastectomy Summer Wardrobe Plan.

  • 2023 Summer Wardrobe Plan

    As I sit here writing 2023 Summer Wardrobe Plan, it’s still winter out there, (just like last year), and Summer seems a long way away.

  • The Problems of #GirlMaths

    I recently heard about #girlmaths, and it doesn’t make me happy. It involves specious calculations to reduce the cost of clothes/shoes/accessories to free…

  • 2023 Winter Wardrobe Update

    As usual, my 2023 winter wardrobe update shows an overspend, though at least I’m not overspent and underdressed, so that’s something at least.

  • 2023 Winter Wardrobe Plan

    Given how blah the weather was through Summer, it feels wrong to be working on my 2023 winter wardrobe plan, but here I am doing it anyway.

  • 2022 Summer Wardrobe Update

    Here in Melbourne, 2022 Summer was more like winter than summer, but none the less, here’s my 2022 Summer Wardrobe Update! 2022 Summer Plan Recap After trialling “barefoot” shoes, I decided to donate all my heeled shoes to charity, and go barefoot. So my plan was more or less to get by without buying anything…

  • Alexandria’s Adventure in Leather Soled Shoes

    Inspired by a conversion with Toseland (the cobbler) I decided to give leather soled shoes another try. The weather we’ve been having (four seasons in a day) hasn’t been the best time to start. And leather soled shoes aren’t cheap, but I bought some on sale from Europe. And convinced the local Melbourne weather wasn’t…

  • 2022 Summer Wardrobe Plan

    At the beach in corfu, Photo by Tamara Bellis on Unsplash It’s cold and raining outside right now as I start thinking about my 2022 Summer wardrobe plan. I’m well rugged up with layers and layers trying to keep warm. 2021 Summer/2022 Winter Recap Last Summer I was wearing a lot of black, and found…

  • 2022 Winter Wardrobe Update

    As it turns out, my 2022 Winter Wardrobe Update is a tale of two sides of a coin – had to buy more than expected, but enjoyed in-person shopping.

  • Signature Wardrobe Warm Outfit

    In the midst of energy price increases, we’ve had a cold snap, and my thoughts are turning to the kind of warm outfit you can wear when working from home on your own. While not turning the heating on.

  • 2022 Winter Wardrobe Plan

    There’s a lot to consider for the 2022 Winter wardrobe plan; 2022 Winter Wardrobe Plan Budget It’s a new year, with a new budget, and I’ve slimmed down, so I’ll start my plan with $1,000. Appropriateness Must be WARM and fit well. Style More or less the same building blocks: Needs DB bought me some…

  • 2021 Summer Wardrobe Update

    Once again the weather is changeable, even for “Four Seasons in One Day” Melbourne, and it’s time to look at the 2022 Summer wardrobe update. 2021 Summer Wardrobe Plan First, let’s recap the plan; essentials plus a party dress for $1000. Bras – at least two good ones, and a sports bra say $500 Undies…

  • Bold and Beautiful

    Having been out of action for a few weeks, I’ve had plenty of time to look around me at my home. The one we bought and did up twenty years ago, but haven’t really done much with since. It’s not exactly bold and beautiful. A lot has changed in the last twenty years. I worked,…

  • 2021 Summer Wardrobe Plan

    It’s time to start looking at my 2021 Summer Wardrobe Plan. As I write, the sun is shining, and I’m putting on and taking off my fleece. The shops are frantically dispatching end of season catalogues, and soon they’ll be replacing them with new styles for warmer weather. 2020 Recap We’ll start with a recap…

  • 2021 Winter Wardrobe Update

    Winter has been a mixed bag in terms of clothes, weather and the pandemic, but now it’s time for my 2021 Winter Wardrobe Update. 2021 Winter Wardrobe Plan Recap Basically, I wanted a minimally viable winter wardrobe; as much warm clothing as I could get for $500. The plan was: 1 fleece-lined jeans maybe $100…

  • Do or Die

    It feels like we’ve been in and out of Covid lockdown since before time began. But with so much time spent at home (where possible), many people have found this a good time to get a bit healthier. Do or die of a different kind. Take my friend Katy, who looks more radiant than at…

  • 2021 Winter Wardrobe Plan

    Maybe it’s just me and the kidney failure induced anaemia, but I’ve been freezing for what seems like ever. And therefore, thinking about lots of warm layers for my 2021 Signature Wardrobe Winter Plan. 2021 Winter Wardrobe Plan As I mentioned during my 2020 Summer planning, I had a stroke last year, and now I…

  • 2020 Summer Wardrobe Update

    Before I get into my 2020 Summer Wardrobe Update, let’s recap the Summer Plan. Which was basically to get a bunch of black clothes.

  • 2020 Signature Wardrobe Summer Plan

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, my 2020 Signature Wardrobe Summer Plan is the kind of extreme you get when you have to replace your entire wardrobe. 2020 Summer Plan As I mentioned in my last review, I had a stroke (which makes it sound more pleasant than it was). It’s had an unexpected and significant impact…

  • 2020 Signature Wardrobe Winter Update

    Let’s just say I’ve been cold, and skip to the rest of the 2020 Signature Wardrobe Winter Update. My 2020 Winter plan was based on costumes for two characters: The self-absorbed self-employed writer/editor/graphic artist. The long-suffering part-time housekeeper/gardener/handyman. I had a $1,000 budget, was looking for warmth, and focusing on morere or less the same…

  • How to Choose Appropriate Makeup

    So. I mentioned last time I’d intended to talk about appropriate makeup. And this is the post I’m going to do it in. It’s a clown free zone, so don’t be afraid to scroll down. While clothes and makeup seem very different, appropriate has a similar place when it comes to choosing what you wear.…

  • 2020 Signature Wardrobe Winter Plan

    Thanks to our highly variable Melbourne weather, I’ve been thinking about my 2020 Signature Wardrobe Winter Plan for some time. And staying warm! 2020 Winter Plan Following the Summer 2019 Update, I’m still a bit enamoured with costumes (the kind of tv/movie costume that represents aspects of the character). And I still have two characters…

  • 2019 Signature Wardrobe Summer Update

    I know that technically, Summer has just ended, and it’s time for the 2019 Signature Wardrobe Summer Update, but the weather has been cool and wet and I’m already thinking about Winter. And pretty much the entire clothing season has left me irritable! Though I did get some nice clothes, so it was really just…

  • 2019 Signature Wardrobe Summer Plan

    We’ve had some lovely sunny days, and after some wonderful winter purchases, I’ve been warm enough to start thinking about a 2019 Signature Wardrobe Summer Plan. 2019 Summer Plan This year, I’m taking a slightly different tack from previous years, just to see how it goes. There are two main components: In previous years, I’ve…

  • 2019 Signature Wardrobe Winter Update

    The Bureau of Meteorology is already predicting a long hot Summer. The garden is full of Spring Bulbs, and there’ve been some slightly warmer sunny days. So it’s time to get the 2019 Signature Wardrobe Winter Update out of the way so I can start thinking about my Summer plan. The 2019 Winter plan continued…

  • The Building Blocks of Style

    I’m fascinated by Harajuku style at the moment. At first glance, it’s a random collection of stuff screaming in your face, but take a closer look, and you’ll see all the building blocks of style in an ever-changing arrangement. In case you don’t know, Harajuku’s a playful mix of styles and colours, most commonly seen…

  • Signature Wardrobe Conference Outfit

    Conference Season is upon us. On the one hand, you’ll get a few days out of the office and maybe make some new friends and industry contacts. On the other, you have to come up with a Signature Wardrobe Conference Outfit… Climate/Location/Activities The venue will probably be big and air-conditioned, somewhere city central, like a…

  • Signature Wardrobe Funeral Outfit

    It seems that just recently, a bunch of people have died. I know people die all the time and we barely think about it, but now and again there’s someone we want to pay our respects to, and that means thinking about a Signature Wardrobe Funeral Outfit. In the old days, people would maintain one…

  • 2019 Signature Wardrobe Winter Plan

    I’m cold, it’s wet outside, and I’m wondering if I have enough warm clothes, so that makes it time to develop my 2019 Signature Wardrobe Winter Plan. Outfits I’m still working with outfits, still looking at: 5 interchangeable work/errand/social outfits 1 exercise 1 house cleaning 1 yard work Wardrobe Plan Following the 2018 Summer Update, there are some changes for Winter.…

  • 2018 Signature Wardrobe Summer Update

    We’ve had some cooler weather, the mornings are darker and it’s too nippy to leave the doors open. Daylight savings ends in a few short weeks. So, it’s time to do my 2018 Signature Wardrobe Summer Update. My 2018 Summer plan was for a basic 8 outfit wardrobe: 5 interchangeable work/errand/social outfits 1 exercise 1 house cleaning 1 yard work For…

  • Signature Wardrobe K-Drama Heroine Outfit

    I’ve already mentioned my new passion for K-Drama, and one of the reasons I love it is the subtext. Particularly the way the K-Drama heroine outfit says so much about her and her mental state. As she’s our heroine, she grows and changes as the drama progresses. She often starts as a shy innocent girl…