2020 Signature Wardrobe Winter Plan
Coat dress combination of printed and plain crepe de Chine, coat trimmed with a blue edging (1929). (Unidentified Creator) via State Library Victoria

Thanks to our highly variable Melbourne weather, I’ve been thinking about my 2020 Signature Wardrobe Winter Plan for some time. And staying warm!

2020 Winter Plan

Following the Summer 2019 Update, I’m still a bit enamoured with costumes (the kind of tv/movie costume that represents aspects of the character).

And I still have two characters to shop for:

  • The self-absorbed self-employed writer/editor/graphic artist.
  • The long-suffering part-time housekeeper/gardener/handyman.

Though of course, they’ll still be sharing a wardrobe.


Let’s say $1,000 including a catastrophe contingency.


Still looking for warmth.


More or less the same building blocks:

  • Colour: warm, fiery reds, oranges, and yellows.
  • Pattern: one large graphic image or a few words.
  • Silhouette: My favourite is a 3:2 ratio – long top over a long bottom (e.g. tunic over jeans.
  • Design Line: Semi-fitted.
  • Texture: Light and Smooth.


I was really happy with last year’s t-shirts and fleeces. But I wore them non-stop, and they haven’t worn particularly well, so I feel justified in replacing them.

Last year’s track pants are still doing well, but the long johns weren’t warm so I might replace them with something in merino from a more reputable brand.

Wardrobe Review

I’ve lost a little weight since last year, and while I’m tempted to buy some new clothes, I (theoretically) have enough clothes from a couple of years ago stored to make do with.

Shopping Plan

So, as it turns out – warm colours and warm layers are the order of the day.

  • 3 – 4 warm fleecy tops $100
  • long-johns maybe $250
  • jeans maybe $100
  • unplanned $250
  • contingency $300

Feels doable, but I thought that in Summer too!

How is your Winter 2020 planning coming along?


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