2019 Signature Wardrobe Winter Plan

2019 Signature Wardrobe Winter Plan
A suggestion for improving the streets of Melbourne, so as to make them passable by foot passengers in rainy weather. Melbourne Punch v. 1 p. 82, 1855 via State Library Victoria

I’m cold, it’s wet outside, and I’m wondering if I have enough warm clothes, so that makes it time to develop my 2019 Signature Wardrobe Winter Plan.


I’m still working with outfits, still looking at:

Wardrobe Plan

Following the 2018 Summer Update, there are some changes for Winter.


It’s a new year, and that means a new budget, and that means I’ve got about $2,000 to spend for winter.


Like Winter 2018, warmth is still my big concern.

Plus, I’ll be wearing the compression tights through winter. They’re weird with jeans and even weirder with track pants, so this year I’m making 2018’s optional pencil skirt a must-have.


In the 2018 Summer Update, I mentioned that fitted clothes make me feel more efficient and effective. So that’s another vote for the pencil skirt.


I need new cardigans and lingerie, though I’m hoping the fluid retention will ease further and I can get away without buying new shoes.

And the dry cleaner ruined the buckles of my red trench coat so I need to replace them, and that might make this a good time to get the arms shortened.

Wardrobe Review

With my current up and down fluid and weight loss issues, I need clothes in a couple of sizes, so I’m not worrying too much about what’s in there. I know there are jeans and tops that fit now and again, though they aren’t the kind of efficient fitted clothes I’m looking for this year.

Shopping Plan

Like last year, I could manage with what I have. But I don’t really want too. I’m tired of looking and feeling slovenly. It’s time to embrace my current situation and dress the body I have.


I’d still like some pattern, and skirts seem like an easy way to get that, even if it’s just stripes.

  1. Pencil Skirts: 2-3, say $250
  2. Cardigans: 2-3, say $300.
  3. Lingerie: a couple of sets, say $300.
  4. Alterations: say $300. This is just a guess because the skirts will need to be shortened and fitted at the waist and hips. And who knows how much the buckles will cost.

So that’s $1,150. Which leaves room for an alterations blow out, shoes (if I must), whatever it is I’ve forgotten, and something wonderful should I stumble across anything.

How’s your winter wardrobe plan coming along?


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