2018 Signature Wardrobe Summer Update

We’ve had some cooler weather, the mornings are darker and it’s too nippy to leave the doors open. Daylight savings ends in a few short weeks. So, it’s time to do my 2018 Signature Wardrobe Summer Update.

My 2018 Summer plan was for a basic 8 outfit wardrobe:

For my $750 budget, my planned purchases were:

  1. The four shirts I commissioned the dressmaker to make for winter 2018, $500
  2. Track pants, $200
  3. Skirt, repurpose existing
  4. Swimsuit

2018 Signature Wardrobe Summer Update

So I had a plan, but I didn’t really follow it.


To start with, I didn’t do anything about skirts or swimsuits. Maybe next year.

I did buy two pairs of black track pants for $130, but I don’t like them. I saved my indecent ones from last year, so I might ask my genius dressmaker to make me some more the same.

I bought some jewellery.


Leaving aside the compression tights I had to buy (because they were medical expenses), I came in under budget. Though still over budget for 2018.

But I did notice some interesting things about my wardrobe this year:

  • In terms of working from home, and housework, my blue dress is the best – a little fitted, short sleeves and a good length. The yellow is too long and the skirt too full.
  • The yellow dress is better for errands and casual events like brunch, because of the things that make it bad for work. Though I think it might be better in a thicker fabric and with longer sleeves
  • The new shirts are a good weight for Winter, but perhaps a little too heavy for Summer.
  • Lovely as the new shirts are, I still default to my red tunic.

Next Steps

It’s just a couple of insights, but I feel like I learned a lot about my style this season. Mostly headology.

  • Fitted clothes make me feel more efficient and effective.
  • Looser clothes make me more relaxed.
  • Once I’ve got my compression tights on, I feel ready for whatever the day throws at me.

So, if I want to get stuff done fitted is the way to go.

The compression tights are a bit weirder and take a bit more thought. It’s a struggle to get them on, so it could be as simple as having got something done early in the day. Or, as they’re both prevention and treatment, that I’ve got all my bases covered.

It’s not much, but it will help plan my clothes shopping for the future.

And maybe, I should just stop worrying about it and buy another red tunic.

How did your Summer Wardrobe shape up?


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