2018 Signature Wardrobe Summer Plan

2018 Signature Wardrobe Summer Plan
May Manton Summer 1929 dress in printed crepe de chine with plain trimming via State Library Victoria

Even though Spring is barely here, the shops are ready for Christmas so it’s time for my 2018 Signature Wardrobe Summer Plan.

2018 Summer Plan

I’m fairly well stocked for summer thanks to the last couple of years, but I discovered last year, it’s a good idea to plan even if you don’t think you have any shopping to do.

Again, I’m looking for an eight outfit wardrobe:


You may recall from the 2018 Winter Wardrobe Update that I blew my budget out of the water.

Given 2017’s unforeseen travel and funeral clothing cut my 2018 budget by half, and unexpected event and activity tracker costs took out more than half of what remained, I have decided to be kind to myself and give myself permission to spend up to $750 for Summer.


Well, Summer – loosish cotton or linen clothes.

Particularly given the people over the road cut down the tree that shaded our house, and our electricity supplier is threatening rolling blackouts over summer that will leave us without air-conditioning some of the time.


Still on a red, white and blue binge, looking to include more patterns.

And while I did say loose, I prefer garments shaped to fit women’s bodies, so relaxed fit

Planned Purchases

Right now I’m good for undies, hats and shoes.

I’ve also recently replenished jeans, tops and dresses (work/errand/social outfits).


What I do need is track pants as I recently realised that mine are worn into the range of indecency! I have leggings but they’re indecent for a different reason…

Ideally, two pairs (one to wear and one in the wash), say $200.


Not that there’s much space for it, but…

I’d like a nice plain skirt to make a change from jeans and dresses. I have some black linen left over from a project a few years ago so I’ll have to look for it and see if there’s enough to do something with. And I’ve got an A-line skirt which is currently too small, but it may be possible to make something usable from it.

And I’d like a new pair of sandals (I’ve gone up a shoe size over the last 18 months or so). But I’ve had a recent drug change and it’s not clear how that will affect me in terms of water retention yet so, it’s probably best to wait and see on that one.

While I’ve never been much of a swimmer, given last summer was so hot I’ve been thinking about getting some bathers. I’ll leave them in the maybe pile for now. Though I can’t actually start swimming until I get some.

Wardrobe Review

I did pack away some summer clothes when I did the winter clear out, and as I’m no smaller I’m not going to bother to unpack them yet.

Here’s what I’ve got (that fits):

  • 1 event dress (hopefully someone will invite me to a Christmas party so I can wear it a second time)
  • 4 everyday dresses (yellow, blue with red flowers, blue with white polka dots, red and white checks)
  • 7 tops (red tunic, blue mandarin collar, white sleeveless, white floral, black, orange, red check)
  • 1 skirt (the kilt one)
  • 2 jeans (black and blue)

Shopping Plan

Aside from the track pant issue, I can manage quite well with what I have.


  1. The four shirts I commissioned the dressmaker to make for winter, $500.
  2. Track pants, $200
  3. Skirt, repurpose existing.
  4. Swimsuit

It’s over budget so I’ll need to bring the track pants in cheaper and see if that’s enough.

Get Ready

Right now I’m sitting here in thermal underwear, cardigan, ugg boots and fleece hat and I’m “freezing”. The thought of lightweight Summer clothing isn’t helping!

But I’m feeling relaxed and comfortable about the lack of shopping required this season.

How is your 2018 Signature Wardrobe Summer Plan coming along?


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