2018 Signature Wardrobe Winter Plan

2018 Signature Winter Wardrobe Plan
Winifred Matthews c. 1915 via State Library Victoria

As I mentioned in my Summer Update there have been some changes in my dressing requirements, so it’s time to plan out my 2018 Signature Winter Wardrobe Plan.


I’m still working with outfits, but I’m experimenting with a new daily schedule that includes home/yard care, exercise, and work. Plus errand days, and the odd social event.

Wardrobe Plan

There are some key changes in my thinking for this year.


With last year’s overspend rolling over, my overall 2018 wardrobe budget is a little over $2,000.

My outerwear is all good, and in 2017 I updated my base layers, so I’m all good for those too.

It would be easy to make an even seasonal split and allow $1,000, to update my middle layers (tops, bottoms, and dresses). But I’d like to make provision for something unplanned and wonderful, so I’m going to say $750.


I’m still having on again off again problems with kidney failure anaemia, plus the cost of heating is increasing so warmth is my main concern. That means wool, silk, and depending on my style requirements, some technical fibres.


This year there have been some changes which have affected my thoughts about presence.

  • With my goal of a dynamic business, I want more patterned clothing.
  • My new-found ability to see has made me more critical of my appearance.
  • It’s too easy to eat too much with stretchy clothing, so I want more slim fit non-stretch clothing (e.g. pencil skirts).


Despite the change in daily routine, I think my minimum outfits would be:

Wardrobe Review

Given the weight gain, I had a rather large wardrobe clean out, and what’s left (that meets the new criteria) for winter is:

  • one pair of black jeans.
  • one kilt style skirt (dry clean only so more of a going out garment).
  • red tunic.
  • blue button-down shirt.
  • black flannel button-down shirt.
  • disreputable wool cardigan that isn’t fit to be worn in public.
  • tweed jacket.

Alterable garments:

  • 2 tops (shorten arms and hem length as usual).
  • a tartan waistcoat (if possible, shorten the body).

Items that don’t meet the new criteria but are wearable:

  • stretchy red cord jeans.
  • black fleece vest.
  • blue polyester vest (the one I classified as a mistake last year and really should get rid of).

In the slightly too small category (that may become wearable during the season:

  • two wool jumper dresses (red and navy).
  • two stretchy button-down shirts (both navy).
  • four office cardigans (black, red, blue, pink).

There is something disturbing about stretchy clothes you’ve grown out of.

I have 12 opened packets of sheer tights(!), plenty of outerwear, shoes and undies.

Shopping Plan

I could get by with what I have, but it’s not what you might call inspiring. And I suppose that three tops and a pair of jeans aren’t really a sustainable weeks worth of clothing.

And I have to say that I am starting to tire of the red tunic and blue button-down after four and two years of continuous wear.

Similarly, my current exercise wear will do, and while I’m a bit tired of its blackness, I’m not planning to wear it for more than an hour a day so I am going to try to resist the tempation to buy anything new.


I’ve been “shopping” around, looking for patterned clothing, but this doesn’t seem like my year for colours or patterns. A while back Katy suggested that I should get a couple of shirt patterns and have them made up in the fabrics of my choice and the idea of it is beginning to grow legs.

  1. Alterations: to provide a minimally viable wardrobe, say $100.
  2. Jeans: another (non-stretch) pair, say $200.
  3. Tops: Let’s day three brightly patterned tops $450.
  4. Pencil Skirt: Just in case I see one I like.

I’m excited about owning these new clothes, but a lot less excited about actually shopping for them. Mind you, Katy also suggested making friends with a fashion design student and taking sewing lessons so I can make my own clothes, so I might look into that too.

How is your winter wardrobe looking?

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