Smashwords’ 16th Annual Read an eBook Week 2025 Super Sale is here!

Smashwords’ 16th Annual Read an eBook Week 2025 Super Sale is here!
Small Business Saturday is an event in November which takes place between the Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales to encourage people to shop locally.
I’ve been thinking more about respect, relationships, and reciprocity. Mainly, as I mentioned, because we’ve started looking at updating the house.
You might remember, I believe “wealth” is more than just money. Health goals can help you make sure you’re healthy enough, to spend the time doing all the things you want to do.
Christmas is over, the January sales are over, and credit card bills are starting to arrive. It’s time to start thinking about saving not spending.
Lately I’ve been thinking about quitting. In general, I’m the kind of person that just keeps moving on until the job is done.
In one of a number of freak situations, we recently endured a major power outage/failure/interruption caused by wild weather. Fingers are pointing, accusations are flying, and we’re ducking recriminations all round. More than half the state of Victoria was affected.
Recently I’ve been thinking that shopping can be a metaphor for life. Not so much the shopping itself, but why we are so thoughtless about the shopping. And living.
You may hold the opinion that it’s not your responsibility. But what serious effort have you seen Government or Business make to help save the environment?
I wish I could say we’re taking a short break vacation, but sadly, I’m just taking care of a crap-tonne of pre-renovation stuff behind the scenes.
Do you sometimes think about what’s coming. Perhaps with a mixed feeling of excitement and dread, all the time thinking there’s an iceberg dead ahead.
Moving on from energy, I’m considering one of the biggest energy penny expenditures, the relentless pressure to form connections with others. Connections through social media, in person, and with friends you haven’t met you.