I saw my first Christmas decorations recently, and I suddenly realised Christmas is coming. It came as quite a surprise – even though I’ve just done my quarterly plan, (or maybe because), I was still thinking I had all the time in the world before Christmas got here.

Christmas is Coming
“Punch’s recipe for his Christmas pudding,” Melbourne Punch, vol. I, p. 174, 1855.
Printed and published by Edgar Ray and Frederick Sinnett via State Library Victoria

There’s food and drink to buy – including the Turkish lemon, mint and ginger flavoured Turkish delight I look for every year. Perhaps some fancy French shortbread too.

Lunches and dinners to try to squeezing into already full calendars.

Not to mention setting a budget and buying gifts. Trying to get them packed and posted before the “cheap” mail closes and I have to send them express. Not that I have many overseas gifts now.

It makes me laugh when I think about how organised I was as a younger woman.

And laugh even more when I remember how much I looked forward to Christmas as a child. The long, long days preceding it.

These days it’s upon me before I notice. I really should put a note in next year’s diary for September to get organised.

Though I suppose I should notice we all start getting a little cranky as we get closer to the end of the year. As though we all need a good meltdown at the end of the year, something to inspire all our resolutions for the New Year.

Then again, it’s partly the breathless rushing around I enjoy.

At least I haven’t yet had to do my Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve.

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