August 2023 Progress Report

Here in August 2023, I’m back to cartoon head spinning as the month whips past me, leaving me wondering where it went.

Highlights from August 2023

I had tonsiltis early in the month and had to postpone a bunch of medical appointments, which meant they were all bunched up at the end of the month. Leading to a surgery brought forward to September.

So, essentially, the month started with failure, moved onto making space, featured the tales of two stones, and the phantom chicken. I paused to review my winter wardrobe purchases and on a related note, critique the notion of #girlmaths.

Lucky me…

But I did manage to catch up a little on my reading target – only one book behind schedule now. And there were a couple I really enjoyed.

How To Do MarketingMarketing To MumsHow to Make Space A Monk’s Guide to a Clean House and MindThe Very Good Marketing GuidePlaying HouseThe Secret Runners of New YorkDeclutter Your LifeA Turn of the TideHow to market your bookAdrift in MelbourneThe Way of the Househusband v1Death of a Traitor


As mentioned in the Q3 plan, I’m focusing on publishing again this quarter, and set my Keystone Activities as:

  • Write for at least an hour a day.
  • Publish a book a fortnight.

My new long-term goals are

  • Finish some of the long-term outstanding items.
  • Fix up the bits that fell off when I moved hosts and changed themes
  • Publish five new books
  • Get my back catalogue up for sale in my shop.

Goal Scoring

As a refresher; the score is a percentage of the times I did the activity divided by the times I planned to. For example, I’m planning to publish 2 books a month, so if I only manage 1, the result is 50%. A “good” score is above 85%. I check in every week, but I’ll only note the averages here.

Write at least 50 words each day.32.26%Managed 10 days of writing, during which I wrote a story to enter in the Scarlet Stiletto Awards. Wish me luck!
Publish a book a fortnight0%No real surprise I didn’t get to the publishing this month either.

So that’s me for August 2023! I’d like to say I’ll get more done in September, but from here, that really doesn’t seem likely.

How did you get on?

Pink plastic baby doll’s head washed up on Padre Island National Seashore, photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash

You can find my monthly reports and other planning related information on the Life Worth Living page.

Planning a Life Worth Living

Let’s face it, life is short. If you don’t stop to think about how you’re going to make it count, at the end of the day, it won’t.

Planning a Life Worth Living applies business techniques to personal concerns. Using these techniques, you’ll get to the end of the year satisfied with what you’ve achieved.

Take a look at how I do my planning.

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