Is it July 2021 already? It’s almost not worth ticking the days off the calendar – my life feels like one long hump day. Groundhog Wednesday…

July 2021

And yet somehow, I managed to roll my year over into the next financial year. And transfer from one journal into a new one. I even thougth seriously about what to bring forward – watercolour class? Probably still too soon.

Beauty: body
I enjoy exercising my lean, healthy 59 kg body several times a week.
• Eat < 5g of salt and sugar per day.
• Walk 10,000 steps per day.
• Sleep 8 hours each night.
• Go vegetarian
65.8 kg
66.9 kg
I’ve been really battling salty and chocolatey snacks this month and it’s starting to show. Probably drinking a little too much alcohol as well. The amount of exercise I’m doing can’t keep up!

Thought about lockdown beauty.

Beauty: garden
My garden is peaceful (lush and abundant, providing habitats, weather protection and a mystical threshold)
Q1&2: finish the plan and start landscaping/planting.
🙂🙂We’ve had a mix of sunny days; cold and clear as well as cold and rainy. At least I’ve been able to sit in the sun now and again to work.
Beauty: home
I live in a comfortable home that soothes my soul.
🙁🙁My house is a tip, and I wonder what exactly is the point. I clear it up, then Clever Girl messes it up again for me.
Friendship: Friends
I love meeting new people, and as I am friendly and outgoing, I make friends easily.
• Make some local writer friends.
🙁🙁Ho hum… I feel like I could be imagining those friends.
Friendship: Creatures
My creatures are happy and healthy and find my garden a haven.
🙂🙂Clever Girl is happier and healthier than me. And happily stealing the possum’s food.
Friendship: Contribution
I share my knowledge, time, and money with those who need it.
• Write and publish stories.
🙂😐Nothing much to speak of this time.

Except some tightrope thinking.
Pleasure: Recharge
Read 104 books
😐🙂Still 25 books behind. This month’s books were mainly about business.
The Other Side of MidnightAn Elderly Lady Is Up to No GoodFocus: Bringing Time, Energy, and Money into FlowMind Management, Not Time Management: ProductivityBusiness for Breakfast, Volume 5: Business Planning for Professional PublishersYour Author Business Plan: Take Your Author Career To The Next Level
Wisdom: growth
I learn and grow every day.
• Visit a historically or culturally significant venue or event each month.
🙂😐I need to get out more.

Though I thought a bit about attachments, and the nature of time.
Wealth: time
Write 653,236 words to complete my first million fiction words.
😐🙂• Writing streak 8 days.
• 3 short stories.
• 13,467 words.

Most of July 2021 in my productivity journal is devoted to my business planning, and statments about doinf four loads of laundry and getting up to date. Hard to know which is more important.

Hopefully both will be easier in August. And perhaps the weather, and my energy levels will be as well.

What was your July 2021 like?

You can find more monthly reports on the Life Worth Living page.


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