Walking the Tightrope

Walking the tightrope
Walking the tightrope, c. 1901 via State Library Victoria
(I wonder how they got the bike up there and where they parked it between shows)

It’s the time of year when I usually start to get a bit snaky. Walking the tightrope between the usual thing and the need for a break.

For almost my entire adult life, this is the time of year I’d usually be putting the finishing touches on my holiday plans. When I was younger, driving around Western Australia. As I got older, international trips every few years…

Not this year though. And not last year, or the year before that.

Because we’re living in interesting times.

Just when we thought “everything” was settling down, a new Covid variant (Delta) has popped up just to remind us we can’t control much.

One of the reasons I (and you) find it hard to adapt to the times, is because we’re too attached to the idea of things. My international vacations for example. Or perhaps the currently unavailable brand of English chocolate I like.

We’re fixated on it. We suffer the lack of it. Nothing else can satisfactorily take its place. There’s a tiny corner of our minds where that attachment festers away inside us.

The easy, but incredibly difficult solution, is to let the attachment go.

To understand that while we have no control over supply, we do have control over the way we react to our lack of control over supply.

That’s even less easy, but in the situation, supremely satisfying. For example, that you were able to give up cigarettes, sugar, or booze.

Though, you must be on guard for substituting one form of attachment for another. Like quitting the fags, but becoming addicted to nicotine gum instead.

It’s like I imagine walking a tightrope would be like – you need to keep your eyes and mind on the destination and not the drop beneath you.


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