While I don’t need to explain or justify my mastectomy decision, it makes a good opportunity to talk about how (and why) I made my choice, as well planning and long-term thinking can be useful.
It’s not ust for when you’re wondering whether to get another dog, and if so what kind.
I was diagnosed with early breast cancer in 2007, and subsequently had a mastectomy. I seem to recall bilateral (both) wasn’t at option at the time, but at the time, all I was really concerned about was getting back on the transplant list.
But, I do remember not wanting to face one boob in the mirror, so I took an implant. With the proviso it would need to be exchanged in 10 – 15 years time.
And that time is up – the implant is uncomfortable, and needs to be replaced.
So what to do?
I’m heading towards my twelth transplantiversary, past the point where “they” keep mortality records because the general assumption is the transplant will have failed by now and I’ll be back on dialysis.
Which is why I need to consider the longer term more seriously.
Give me another 10 – 15 years I’ll be in my 70s (transpant age 22 – 27).
Will I be well enough to go under a general anaesthetic, to replace the implant?
And 10 – 15 years after that, I’d say it won’t be an option at all.
Decision Process
There’s no doubt the implant has to come out, and I’m not planning to replace it.
But I’m still not keen on confronting one boob in the mirror.
Or managing the related hassles of finding a prosthetic that’s more or less the size, shape and weight of the other, though the technology is much better these days.
Which leads me to consider having the surviving breast removed at the same time.
With a history of breast cancer, comes the worry of it recurring, and the need for annual monitoring.
Which costs a lot with imaging and consultant fees.
Particularly when you take into account the rest of my medical bills:
- Transplant related costs of drugs and monitoring
- Additional costs of annual immune suppression related monitoring for skin, eyes, colon, cervix, and teeth.
So my thoughts have gone this way
No costs of breast cancer monitoring! | Longer operation, so longer under anesthesia, with more potential for the unexpected |
Peace of mind (potential for recurrence removed) | Risk of infection in drains, more swelling and bruising, and potential for blood clots |
Won’t have to buy bras anymore! | Slow and complicated wound healing |
Won’t have to worry about not being able to have surgery later | Risk of ugly scarring |
Remedial therapies could control some of the longer-term scar/nerve damage risks | Potential for lack of senstion and ongoing pain from damaged nerves |
Of course there are as many reasons, as there are people, but my particular circumstabces rule some of them in and some of them out.
And just as I made a different decision earlier in my life, so I would probably make different decisions if my circumstances were different again.
My Decision
But I’ve decided to remove the implant and go ahead with a bilateral mastectomy.
So this is the last post I’ll be making for the next 4 – 8 weeks.
Because I’m taking a break until I’m sure I’m well healed.
See you on the other side.
Photo of Belgian Buns by Annie Spratt on Unsplash