5 Things I Learned From My New Dog

We recently got a new dog, and boy it’s been exhausting.

Lily died at 16. And I’d forgotten what she was like during the first few months. And the amount of dog poo a single pet can produce.

But, as well as the hardships, you forget the excitements a new dog faces. And watching her reminds me of their value in everyone’s lives.

1. The Importance of Sleep

As you’d expect, my new dog’s energy expenditure is followed by the kind of deep restorative sleep that leaves her prepared for the next intensive bout of energy expenditure.

Sadly for me, much as I feel the need for napping, I need that time for other things. Tempting though.

2. Having an Inquisitive/Open Mind

She has no idea what this place is all about, she’s ready to sample everything.

Even celery.

  • Are surface grassroots better or worse than buried ones? Let’s dig them up and find out.
  • Do cockatoos make good playmates? Let’s chase them and find out.
  • Are shadows hurtful? Let’s attack and find out.

3. Gratitude

Good things happen when you least expect them.

Like cuddles.

And snacks.

And naps.

In fact just being alive can be enough to be grateful for.

4. The Need for Regular Bowel Movements

And not just the movements, but a calm and restful place to have them.

Nuff said.

5. The Need for a Small Bag of Essentials

This is more about me, and maybe you, needing to learn to work in the spaces.

Letting go of old routines and creating new ones. Understanding you can get a lot done in 15 minutes. Just keep the bits that are important, and leave the rest behind.

Bonus Lesson: nothing lasts forever

This little dog has been in our lives for a fraction of her potential life span, and she had already changed so much. These moments are precious, and will never come again.

Let’s enjoy them while we can.

black labrador in hessian bed with empty milk bottle and stuffed toy
Clever Girl photo by Me! This morning. In between dashes
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2 thoughts on “5 Things I Learned From My New Dog

  1. […] we take Clever Girl out, we generally go to Lilydale Lake. Where she can play in the creek, and run amok with other […]

  2. […] not just when you’re wondering whether to get another dog, and if so what […]

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