January 2023 Progress Report

January 2023 has been difficult for me without a plan to be going on with.

I know I posted something towards planning 2023, but there weren’t any goals – not SMART, not HARD, not even getting better.

I’ve been fretting about it since.

But I did some reading when I injured my hand, and one of the books reminded me about Kanban (see below).

Highlights from January 2023

So, with the injured hand, I had to bow out of the novella challenge, but I made it to 8 novellas in 8 months. With those, and all my accumulataed short stories, there’s a lot to publish this year.

We took Clever Girl for a lot of walks, including the beach. And watched a lot of tv, including an interesting Agatha Christie biography. Plus, I read a lot – 11 of my 2023 reading goal of 100 books.

Getting OnJoy at WorkSacred RestStop Making Others RichIdentity DesignedStop Listening to the CustomerTotal RethinkThe Visual MBAStarting a Successful BusinessBrand NowThe Kinfolk Entrepreneur

As well as kanban, I read a lot about business, though you probably won’t see a difference at this end.


Kanban is a Japanese methodology developed by Toyota in the 1940s as a scheduling process for lean manufacturing. At the time, their focus was small batch manufacturing, and they used it as a system for reordering compononents.

In the early 2000s, Microsoft redveloped the process for software development as a way to balance demand with capacity.

Essentially, the process has three segments; to-do, doing, and done.

To monitor progress, you start with a board divided into three columns (one for each segment), and write all of the tasks in the process on a sticky note and stick them in the to-do column.

When you start work, you move the first note into the doing column, and when you’ve finished, the done column. Now and again, you may need to move a task back into the to-do column. That’s okay; if you can see it, you won’t forget about it.

This system doesn’t include dependencies; it exists in a constant state of prioritisation. As you finish tasks, you assess the pending according to the time and information you have and decide the best task at the time.

The columns can be called pretty much anything according to what you want to achieve. And you could split your doing column, for example, one to store tasks where you’re waiting for more information, or input from another person.


While you can use kanban for a date based goal system, I’m expecting a disrupted year and don’t want to force any deadlines on myself. The “work” will progress as and when it progress.

So, the only real way I have of knowing how I’m doing will be the percentage of sticky notes in the done column. Always assuming I manage to accurately get the tasks down!

We’ll see how I get on…

Rebrand my businesses.0Haven’t made up the kanban boards yet.
Revitalise the websites.0ditto
Consolidate the online stores.0ditto
Finish some of my long-term outstanding items.0ditto

That I have chosen not to include goals for staying married, losing weight, and getting Stephen King famous, doesn’t mean they aren’t important to me. It just means that with so much else going on, I probably won’t talk about that much.

So, after feeling rudderless through January 2023, I at least have a plan to be going on with. How did your year start?

Collage of January 2023, from top left; a beach, Alex and her dog (Clever Girl) sitting in bed, the back of Alex's hand with a bloody bandage on it, Clever Girl swimming in a lake, Alex's hand with two skin tears across the back, Alex selfie wearing sunglasses, an apple tree with netting over the top to protect the fruit, a pencil with the words "hit head repeatedly with hammer" stampled on it.
Collage of January 2023, from top left; a beach, Alex and her dog (Clever Girl) sitting in bed, the back of Alex’s hand with a bloody bandage on it, Clever Girl swimming in a lake, Alex’s hand with two skin tears across the back, Alex selfie wearing sunglasses, an apple tree with netting over the top to protect the fruit, a pencil with the words “hit head repeatedly with hammer” stampled on it.

You can find my monthly reports and other planning related information on the Life Worth Living page.

Planning a Life Worth Living

Let’s face it, life is short. If you don’t stop to think about how you’re going to make it count, at the end of the day, it won’t.

Planning a Life Worth Living applies business techniques to personal concerns. Using these techniques, you’ll get to the end of the year satisfied with what you’ve achieved.

Take a look at how I do my planning.

Discover how to put your life back into your life planning. Buy now:

Planning a Life Worth Living hardback
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1 thought on “January 2023 Progress Report

  1. […] back to the kanban boards, only this time to plan out just the next […]

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