I’ve been watching Agatha Christie: Lucy Worsley on the Mystery Queen, in which Dr Lucy Worsley OBE tells us that Mrs Christie is not the person we all thought she was.

Agatha Christie
Photo by Giovana Miketen on Unsplash

Among other intersting titbits, Lucy believes Mrs Christie did lose her memory, and drawing against other sources, that she sought treatment for it.

But one of the bits that interested me, was she started writing Miss Marple mysteries as she got older. Around the time when she started to become invisible.

She wrote her first Miss Marple story in 1927 when she was thirty seven years old. Growing older, plumper, and less noticeable, despite all the attention lavished on her.

A little earlier than I started noticing I was becoming invisible as well, but hair and face care wasn’t as good/effective then as it is now.

Today it’s possible to stave off visible aging, as Lucy seems to have done. So much so, that she seemed to find it hard to grasp the aging Mrs Christie was so good at evading recognition.

Mind you, Agatha didn’t have to contend with social media either.

In a discussion group, drinking cherry brandy with novelists Kate Mosse, Ruth Ware, and Jean Kwok (who contributed to Marple: Twelve New Stories), they talk about Miss Marple working from her own power, being invisible to those around her, and underestimated by all.

A bit like those of us coming into our crone years.

So if you are starting to notice people (especially men) don’t seem to notice you anymore, take heart.

Like Miss Marple, and Agatha Christie herself, your best years are ahead of you!

And a few more after that, you can be like Maud, An Elderly Lady Is Up to No Good.


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