Injured My Hand

I injured my hand gardening over the Christmas/New Year break – couldn’t type, hold a pencil, paintbrush, or mouse for several weeks.

It started out with a weed related muscle sprain, compounded by computer mouse fatigue, bashing it on the shower screen, and finally, Clever Girl being excited to see me and accidentally tearing the skin on the back of my hand open.

The weird thing about a hand injury, is everytime you move your fingers, it disrupts the scabs on your hand.

And you move your hands A LOT!

Thinking back, I should have taken more breaks to give it a better chance to heal properly.

Shouldn’t have tried to catch up.

Should have relaxed more; read more books (fiction as opposed to business books), and watched more tv.

Even after all this time, it’s still painful. Especially towards the end of the day.

With all the stupid drugs I’m taking, it seems like it’s taken forever to heal this far. It’s red and swollen, with some lumpy scarring. And me being me, it seems like the scar remediation massage I’m attempting is bruising it as well.

But it will, eventually heal.

Injured my hand
WWII First aid demonstration of bandaging hands. Argus, c.1942. Argus Newspaper Collection of Photographs, State Library Victoria

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