Memories and unpacking

We’ve moved back into the house, and I’ve been unpacking, and each box is full of memories as well as artifacts.

Quick and easy wins

Some of the unpacking is easy enough, like the books and ornaments going on my lovely new bookshelves.

And I’m happy to report it’s so wonderful to be surrounded by books again.

So many memories of people and stories.

There’s even a decdicated shelf for my books.

Less easy wins

Some of the box contents need testing out, like which drawer or cupboard is the best place for the pots, baking pans and electronic appliances.

Not to mention the plastic containers, which I believe have multiplied within the boxes they were contained by.

Mostly Losses

Some of the bigger boxes are being unpacked so I can repack them into smaller boxes to fit into smaller storage spaces.

Mainly because these are things I need to sort through.

When you’re packing up, you always run out of time or reach the point you just don’t care anymore, and start throwing things in boxes thinking you’ll sort them out later.

Which you might if you actually unpack the boxes when you reach your destination.

So, to be honest, some of it needs throwing out.

Like the Tesco CD which once upon a time you had to install on your computer so you could shop by internet. Which needs throwing out because:

  1. you don’t need software to shop online anymore, and
  2. it’s been more than two decades since we were in the UK shopping at Tesco.

Likewise the British Telecom CD we had to install to get internet on our computer in the first place.

Which are funny memories of the past, and the “fun” we had trying to get them to work, but are not relevant to the life we now lead in any way.

Just moments of remember when?

And I’ll be honest – I’m not sure I’ll get to the smaller boxes I’m repacking any time soon either.

Even though I know there are heaps of floppy discs in there with photos on them.

Which are their own memories – both of the state of the art camera that used them, and that they were the most advanced storage solution of the time.


Some of the things I’m repacking I’ll never use, though I’ll look at them from time to time for memory’s sake.

Like my parents photographs.

And some of it, like the porn playing cards I took from Dad’s house when he died. Partly because they’re 1970s sexy, and partly because they show a side of my father I wouldn’t ordinarily be exposed to.

I’m not sure what I’ll end up doing with the rest of it.

Most likely repacking it because It’s too hard to think about right now.

Sometimes you have to let the past go so you can move on.

A box of old photos with the poem "Memories matter; some for a fleeting instnat, some for much longer.
Picture of old photos in brown wooden chest by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

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