July 2023 Progress Report

July 2023 was a much better month than June. A happier, more productive, and mostly more settled month.

Highlights from July 2023

It started with chaos, moved onto a sudden sharp pivot, and ended with a good brain tidy up.

Most of it caused by reaching the end of the financial year, reviewing last year’s business operations (in which I overspent) and planning out the first bits of the new financial year.

During which I was reminded I injured my hand, was out of action for a several months, and was able to forgive myself for not getting as much done as I’d hoped.

And took the opportunity to plan out the rest of this financial year to include more space.

I enjoyed purchasing a new activity tracker. I can’t say I’ve made the best use of it though I’m enjoying the additional metrics.

Did a bunch of medical monitoring, visited doctors and dentists, and am mostly well, despite a few days down with a migraine.

I’ve fallen three books behind on my reading target!!!

Your Future SelfHow to Style Your Brand Creative Self PublishingGoodbye, Things


As mentioned in the Q3 plan, I’m focusing on publishing again this quarter, and set my Keystone Activities as:

  • Write for at least an hour a day.
  • Publish a book a fortnight.

My new long-term goals are

  • Finish some of the long-term outstanding items.
  • Fix up the bits that fell off when I moved hosts and changed themes
  • Publish five new books
  • Get my back catalogue up for sale in my shop.

Goal Scoring

As a refresher; the score is a percentage of the times I did the activity divided by the times I planned to. For example, I’m planning to publish 2 books a month, so if I only manage 1, the result is 50%. A “good” score is above 85%. I check in every week, but I’ll only note the averages here.

Write at least 50 words each day.0%Managed half an hour the entire month. In my defence there was a lot of other stuff going on.
Publish a book a fortnight0%No publishing this month either. But then agian, I only just finished my business plan for this fiscal year/

So that was July 2023, how did you get on?

July 2023 collage from top left: cottage, me and Clever Girl, cottage interior, bushland, Clever Girl, more Clever Girl, moss on the road, old and new activity trackers.
July 2023 collage from top left: cottage, me and Clever Girl, cottage interior, bushland, Clever Girl, more Clever Girl, moss on the road, old and new activity trackers.

You can find my monthly reports and other planning related information on the Life Worth Living page.

Planning a Life Worth Living

Let’s face it, life is short. If you don’t stop to think about how you’re going to make it count, at the end of the day, it won’t.

Planning a Life Worth Living applies business techniques to personal concerns. Using these techniques, you’ll get to the end of the year satisfied with what you’ve achieved.

Take a look at how I do my planning.

Discover how to put your life back into your life planning. Buy now:

Planning a Life Worth Living hardback
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