February 2023 Progress Report

February 2023 was a month mostly devoted to rebranding and redeveloping my websites. Not that there’s been a great deal to see on this site.

Some of it was even on my Kanban boards.

Highlights from February 2023

I admit having to give up on the novella challenge was hard, and I moped for a good part of the month.

Leastways until I started working on the branding, designing logos, looking at colour palettes, typography and thinking what I want visitors to feel.

Plus, I read a lot – up to 24 of my 100 book reading goal, and 6 books ahead of schedule!

Kinfolk TravelThe Lean StartupNovelist as a VocationA Stitch in TimePeaceGrassJapanese Style at HomeThe Personal MBAA Knight in Shining ArmorCompany of OneBallgowns & ButterfliesL’art de la ListeAt Home in Japan

And don’t forget you can get my ebooks at 50% off Smashwords until midnight 11 March pacific time.


Finish some of my long-term outstanding items.4.35%I started with 23 sticky notes on the board, with one completed.
Rebrand my businesses.15.79%19 sticky notes, but I know there are more to add as time goes by. Currenlty working on 2, with 3 completed.
Consolidate the online stores.12.82%78 tasks, though again, I know there’s more coming as I fninsh my back log of stories. Some of it requires reformatting the existing books.
Revitalise the websites.0.00%Haven’t fully quantified this as some of it is waiting on the brading, and some comes our of consolidating the stores.

The kanban is, more or less, a really long to-do list.

As I progressed through February 2023, I found myself demotivated by the length of the list, so now I’m thinking I may have to hide some of them, or just work through one of the projects until it’s done.

How did you get on over February 2023?

And just to remind you (again) you can get my ebooks at 50% off Smashwords until midnight 11 March pacific time.

Collage of February 2023, from top left; 6 cockatoos by the side of the road, Clever Girl by my desk, an attempt at a gothic monogram, vision board, a coaster shaped like a button, Clever Girl in the bush, another attempt at a monogram, a wood parquetry chopping board.
Collage of February 2023, from top left; 6 cockatoos by the side of the road, Clever Girl by my desk, an attempt at a gothic monogram, vision board, a coaster shaped like a button, Clever Girl in the bush, another attempt at a monogram, a wood parquetry chopping board.

You can find my monthly reports and other planning related information on the Life Worth Living page.

Planning a Life Worth Living

Let’s face it, life is short. If you don’t stop to think about how you’re going to make it count, at the end of the day, it won’t.

Planning a Life Worth Living applies business techniques to personal concerns. Using these techniques, you’ll get to the end of the year satisfied with what you’ve achieved.

Take a look at how I do my planning.

Discover how to put your life back into your life planning. Buy now:

Planning a Life Worth Living hardback
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1 thought on “February 2023 Progress Report

  1. […] no change on the kanban boards. As I mentioned last month, I’ve found the amount of stuff that needs doing dispiriting, especially in light of the […]

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