Smashwords’ 16th Annual Read an eBook Week 2025 Super Sale is here!

Smashwords’ 16th Annual Read an eBook Week 2025 Super Sale is here!
The poet John Donne was also the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral, and it was in this role he said “No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main…”
You may hold the opinion that it’s not your responsibility. But what serious effort have you seen Government or Business make to help save the environment?
There are two weeks left until the end of the year. That’s two weeks to close out all those projects you had in mind as you started January. I have to say almost nothing I planned has come to fruition, and I admit to being disappointed by that. Though I wonder what it is that[…]READ MORE?
I’m a little bit sorry to say I’m one of those people who needs habits and routines to get through the day. Or to put it another way, life cycles.
It feels like every company on the planet wants a piece of me – more than I want to give them. Makes me miss the good old days.
February’s free short story, Day the Wind Changed, builds on my February is the new January restart energy. Something to get you energised about restarting work on your goals.
We’ve moved back into the house, and I’ve been unpacking, and each box is full of memories as well as artifacts.
While I was out in the garden this morning I saw a mystery mouse cadaver. I’m not sure whether it was a a mouse or a rat.
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been hearing people say, “have fun.” Which is not the usual thing people say to each other. Or at least, not something I usually hear people say to each other.
It’s that time again. Time to wish you Happy Holidays 2024. This year the whole season has caught me unaware.
Small Business Saturday is an event in November which takes place between the Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales to encourage people to shop locally.