2023 Winter Wardrobe Plan

Given how blah the weather was through Summer, it feels wrong to be working on my 2023 winter wardrobe plan, but here I am doing it anyway.

Things to consider for the 2023 Winter Plan;

  • Over the Christmas break, I got a little bigger, slimmed down a little, then a little more slimmer (almost in the extra small range now).
  • It seems I feel the cold a little more than I used to. Not sure why.
  • Gas and electricity prices are skyrocketing, and given I work from home, I need to consider the need for extra warmth without resorting to the central heating.
  • Through the summer I tried adding more colour and pattern, but found it too distracting. At least I now know I can only wear colour and patterns when I don’t need to think (thanks stroke).
  • I’ve noticed I pretty much wear the same clothes every day (no surprise there), and what with getting sweaty taking those l o n g dog walks, probably need to change my buying habits to one to wear and two in the wash may be a better ratio for my wardrobe.

2023 Winter Wardrobe Plan


Having overspent on winter clothes over summer (did I mention the blah weather?), I feel like I shouldn’t be buying anything at all. But, I’ll default to the ubiquitous $1,000.


Must be WARM and fit well.


More or less the same building blocks:

  • Colour: black.
  • Pattern: colour block.
  • Silhouette: Still 1:3 – short top over long bottom, e.g., short top with jeans.
  • Design Line: Fitted to Semi-fitted.
  • Texture: Light and Smooth.


More warm warm, WARM clothes!

Over Summer I topped up on undies, socks, exercise gear and shoes so probably all good there.

And I still haven’t got those jeans – I’m not sure how much longer the pair I have left can hold out.

And as I noted, stocking up my wardrobe basics one to wear with two in the wash.

So, I think I need:

  • A pair of trackpants.
  • Two fitted, warm, heavyweight fleeces.
  • Jeans (maybe fleece lined).
  • Longjohns, or at least camisoles.

And possible wants:

  • Warm shirt or dress for going out.

Wardrobe Review

I’m not exactly sure that a cold day is the best day to review your wardrobe in preparation for the season. Appropriate, but bloody chilly while mostly naked trying stuff on. Though given I mostly just looked at the clothes then stuffed them in the charity bag, I was half naked half the time!

And having completed the review, even taking into account how much I got rid of, I’d already hit the jackpot before I got overwhelmed and quit with three drawers to go. Useful stuff I found:

  • 1 pair of slightly too small skinny jeans.
  • 6 dresses.
  • 4 jumpers (or you might know them as sweaters).
  • 2 pairs of slightly too big fleece leggings.
  • 2 sets of thermal underwear.

Proportionally, they’re mostly going out clothes which tells me how much life has changed since I grew out of them. Some of it dates back to 2017 when I was still looking for work. I’ll bung it in my wardrobe and see how much wear I get before deciding what to do with it at the end of the season.

Shopping Plan

Theoretically, I don’t need to buy anything, but I want:

  • A pair of trackpants $50
  • A pair of not skinny jeans $100
  • Provision for new sneakers (one of the existing is looking a bit dodgy), say $200

So all up, I’m feeling happy my bases are covered for winter. How about you – is your 2023 winter wardrobe plan ready?

Photo by Joshua Hanson on Unsplash

For more, see my wardrobe planning page.

Signature Wardrobe Planning

Buying clothes seems easy, but getting matching ones that fit you and your lifestyle and share washing instructions is more difficult.

Signature Wardrobe Planning shares a plan for buying the right clothes at the right price for the right life. So you always have something to wear that makes you look and feel confident.

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1 thought on “2023 Winter Wardrobe Plan

  1. […] after the bargain clothing sale that was my wardrobe review, I decided I didn’t need much, but […]

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