2023 Post-Mastectomy Summer Wardrobe Plan

Five minutes ago summer arrived, so I decided to revamp my 2023 summer wardrobe plan, taking into acocunt the mastectomy to produce a 2023 post-mastectomy Summer Wardrobe Plan.

Summer Plan Recap

I used my usual budget of $500, and since the last post, finally bought the goddamned jeans ($65), and a poltical t-shirt ($40), which left me with $395.

I had plenty to wear (pre-mastectomy), acknowledged I’d slimmed down, but thought I could get by without buying anything…

Wardrobe Review #2

It was hot, I was planning to go out, so obviously I wanted to check the wardrobe situation.

And found it vastly different. Nothing that includes a bit of chest coverage fits well. Not even the infamous red tunic. Or my lovely Breton t-shirt.

It’s obvious really. Always was, though I didn’t quite understand the extent of my particular problem.

The worst part for me, is I’m very fond of fitted clothing. Always have been.

I like the arms and legs of my clothes to fit without having to fold them up. And more importantly, I just don’t feel comfortable when my waists, hips, and hems don’t sit in the right places.

It’s all well and good when you’re under twelve, dressing in your mum’s clothes pretending to be a grown up. Not so much when you are a grown up.

Not that other women don’t enjoy a loose slouchy top or a dropped waist. They’re just not me.

While I can tolerate an ill-fitting outfit at home (no idea what that says about my relationship with DB), I can’t bear it when I’m going out.

So, Back to the Building Blocks of Style

Nothing has changed, as such, but at the same time, everything changed, so I needed to apply a kind of logic to the situation.


Colour is often the most visible element of your style, and while I’ve been experimenting with more colour, post-stroke, I need my body to have a solid colour that receeds into the background when I’m working – thus the black.


I find floral prints distracting, probably because they have too much movement and are multi-coloured. I still love equal stripes which are kind of easy to ignore.

I know some women, post-mastectomy, prefer bold patterns because when you look at them you’re so distracted by the pattern you don’t notice any inconcistencies between what’s left in the bust. At this stage, I doubt that’ll be a concern for me.


Texture is partly the way a fabric feels on your body (e.g., light or heavy, smooth or rough), and partly the way a garment drapes and moves. Softer and lighter fabrics move more, while rougher, heavier fabrics move less.

I prefer smooth textures, and I doubt that will change. But I’m aware that some, women post-mastectomy, prefer fabrics with less movement in the drape.


The silhouette is a two-dimensional rendering of your three-dimensional form; the way your body fills out the garments. (Like fashion drawings).

My preference is for a ratio of 1:3, probably because I have long legs and a short waist, so a top over jeans, or a dress where the waist is situated at, or very near, the waist.

Design Line

This is where fit comes in, because design lines relate to the placement of seams, darts and pleats, and they way they construct and fit the garment. Not to mention the decorative details.

And of course, post-mastectomy, this is the main issue when it comes to buying clothes, especially as I don’t plan to get prostheses.

Having said that, my shoulders and hips are still in the same place, with the same proportions. The only thing that’s changed, is the bust measurement.

In theory, I can buy exactly the same shapes and lines as I did pre-mastectomy.

General Wardrobrobe Plan

And that makes it time to start the plan.


It’s almost time to start looking at winter, so (having got over the shock of the wardrobe review), I’m going to try to stay within the aforementions $395..


My weight has stabilised, I remain a size smaller, but with my health goals, I hope to drop another size.

I’m finding I’m more prone to sunburn as the anti-rejection drugs continue to accumulate in my system, (and the manufacturers mess with the formulas) so I’m more interested in longer sleeves.

And I still need plain black clothes to reduce overwhelm and aid concentration.


I’ve had to buy some compression bras, but I put them in the catgory of medical necessities I would’nt otherwise buy, so they’re not counted here.

Happy enough with my sloppy track pants and exercise t-shits, but I need a new summer dog walking outfit.

And I’d like one nice “going out” top that fits.

The All New Singing and Dancing 2023 Post-Mastectomy Summer Wardrobe Plan

Basically, buy just enough to get me through the season – a dress and a top for $395.

Hilarious really, given the amount of angst.

Any changes to your summer wardrobe?

Photo of woman sitting beside plant and concrete wall by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

For more, see my wardrobe planning page.

Signature Wardrobe Planning

Buying clothes seems easy, but getting matching ones that fit you and your lifestyle and share washing instructions is more difficult.

Signature Wardrobe Planning shares a plan for buying the right clothes at the right price for the right life. So you always have something to wear that makes you look and feel confident.

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