November 2017 Progress Report

November 2017 Collage

With November 2017 gone, we’re on the downhill run to the end of the year, and if you’re not ready, that’s falling into the “that’s too bad” department. We can only hope as we prepare for the end of the year and think about our goals and resolutions for 2018, that next year turns out better than this year. Though my Transplantiversary has already highlighted some areas for improvement.

Virtue Oct Nov Notes
Beauty: Body

I enjoy exercising my lean, healthy 59 kg body several times a week.

I walk more steps each day.

67.2 kg
66.2 kg
Technically I am happy that I have lost a kilogram, but I weighed less last week. This is the curse of traditional Christmas mince pies and tins of Quality Street chocolates.

I had a colonoscopy, and a polyp removed which was apparently “benign (precancerous).” Which curiously, equates to not cancer (yet), and needs a repeat colonoscopy next year. I can wait for that. Wierdly, all hospital carpet looks the same.

Beauty: Presence

I have thick glossy hair that compliments my beautiful clothes.

 🙂  🙂 When I was younger I always wanted beautiful long fingernails, and now they grow so fast it seems like I am cutting them every five minutes. I used to give myself a manicure every week, and now I just cut them when I start grazing myself on them. I think next year I’ll get a professional manicure, just to see.

And when I got my hair trimmed, I forgot to mention that I was growing it, and now it feels too short…

Something nice to go with my Dog Walking Outfit.

Beauty: Home

I live in a comfortable home that soothes my soul.

Renovate bathroom

 🙁 🙂 I motivated myself to tidy, and now have a massive collection of stuff to drop off at my local charity shop. My beautiful Paul Foxton painting arrived, but I can’t settle on where it should go.

We had to replace our air-conditioner because it broke on the first hot day. At least we have it for what the weather guy is tipping to be a scorcher of a Summer.

We’ve started looking at doing the bathroom over the Christmas break, and I was really happy to find that the hand basin and wash stand that I chose years ago are still available!

Beauty: Garden

My garden is lush and abundant, providing habitats, weather protection and a mystical threshold.

Landscape Garden

 🙂  🙂 With a light-filled garden, many of our stunted plants have grown with abandon, and it looks like we might have a functional privacy screen sooner than expected. But the weeds have also run amok and it’s difficult to stay on top of them.

And while I didn’t get to my cherries before the birds did, the cherry farm is now open for the season.

Friendship: Friends

I love meeting new people, and as I am friendly and outgoing, I make friends easily.

 🙂  🙂 Caught up with a Katy I haven’t seen for ages, but I still need to get in touch with some others.
Friendship: Creatures

My creatures are happy and healthy and find my garden a haven.

 🙁  🙂 I’ve started cooking congee-like dog food for pretty boy. He’s putting some weight back on but is still too thin for my liking. Pretty girl had an eye-lift and now she can see she is much better tempered. She also had her anal glands removed but seems more concerned about itchy ears than that. I am very grateful for my expensive pets.

Hooligan cockatoo teenagers are hanging out and scaring off the other birds. There’s a bit of a magpie v cockatoo gang situation and it seems the cockatoos are winning.

Friendship: Contribution

I share my knowledge, time, and money with those who need it.

 😐  🙂 Feeling happier about sharing my knowledge this month, perhaps because the questions are better and the recipients more grateful. And I am more grateful that I know stuff that I can share.

And who wouldn’t be happy with a Summer Fruits Stress Free Dinner Party?

Pleasure: Adventure

I am brave and adventurous not afraid to try new things.

 😐  🙂 I’ve not been adventuring in person, but I’ve had some wicked dreams.
Pleasure: Recharge

I work hard and have the right to rest and recharge.

 😐  🙂 I am so tired – if I rest for a moment I fall asleep.
Wisdom: Growth

I learn and grow every day.

 😐  🙂 I bought a course to develop my author business skills. I’ve even done some of it. And I’ve learned that I’m not as bad at it as I thought, but there are some things I need to get better at.

But in the meantime, I thought about planning for the plateau.

Wealth: Business Development

Select and attend a business-related conference or event – real not virtual.

 🙂  🙂 There’s a new crop of writing seminars coming up in January. I’ve missed the discount deadline, but there are still a couple I plan to attend.

The new website looks good, but the RSS Feed has gone nuts. I know why some of the duplicates have come out, but there is one post that reissues itself seemingly at random. It’s like a haunted blog post!

I’ve got a stack of productivity/habit books to read when I get a moment.

Wealth: Income

I am a successful author making at least $1,000 per month.

 🙂  😐 During November 2017 I sold five books and received ~$4.96 in income (not yet converted). My average monthly sales remain at four books but my monthly authorial income has dropped to $17.32.

And while it was late, my new book Holistic Personal Finance is now in store, so that’s another book to generate income.

Wealth: Expenditure

Stick to the Spending Plan

 🙂  🙂 The biggest expenditure for November 2017 was, of course, Christmas 2017, and so far we’re under budget. We do have some big-ticket items to get during the sales.

I wrote a spending plan for making friends.

November 2017 was a month of wildly swinging lows and highs as I met and conquered (so to speak) a number of difficult challenges during the month. Even though it seems like forever ago, I feel as though the stress and fatigue of each unpleasant event since my mother’s final illness and death has accumulated and now I am just sleepwalking through the rest of the year.

I don’t know about you, but I need a break! How was your November?

You can find more monthly reports on the Project Worthwhile Life page.


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