January 2016 Progress Report

January 2016
Just a little of what I got up to in January 2016.

The first progress report for the new year, it’s kind of exciting. I haven’t bothered to close out last year, mainly because I was busy bragging about how well the year went in my “birthday post“. And what with this, that and the other I lost the plot a little over December, but I have done some more goal setting and planning since then. So the goals shown below represent my targets for 2016.

beauty: body
Weight ≤61kg by 11 April


I am really frustrated and annoyed by the ease with which I drop a kilo and gain a kilo in sequence. I did say that I committed to doing whatever was required, but I clearly lied… At least, I got self-care ticked off.
beauty: presence
build a practical and workable wardrobe that reflects who I am
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As per Summer Wardrobe Plan 3, I bought a house dress for when it gets hot (though at almost twice as much as I wanted to pay). It was made to measure in my colours and styles, and I adore it. It is just the right weight, it moves nicely and is so comfortable. I can’t think why I stopped wearing dresses. I am fighting the urge to buy another one the same only different. It’s all headology though isn’t it?
beauty: home
sparse yet comfortable happy home that reflects our authentic selves
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The house is neat and clean. We will be painting the exterior while it’s warm. The faulty air conditioner is not working again – the third time in less than six months. Time to start thinking about replacing it.
beauty: garden
lush and abundant garden providing habitats, weather protection and a mystical threshold
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We have lots of roses, and the wisteria is in bloom again. I’m pretty sure I saw some tomatoes, but when I went to get them they weren’t there.


While I’m doing the house, I’m going to paint the fence as well.

friendship: creatures
get the dogs well and healthy and develop habitats to support native species
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We don’t see them very often, but we had kingfishers in the garden which was really exciting. I can still hear the yellow-tailed black cockatoos, but they have moved on which is a little sad.
friendship: friends
maintain and improve relationships with international and e- friends, make new friends (especially local)
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While I’ve caught up with a few people, it’s mainly been on-line.
friendship: contribution
give something back to the community and the planet
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While I told you how to do a dinner party during your detox, and offered advice about what to out in your emergency kit I feel like I could have been doing more…
pleasure: adventure
taking risks, international vacations and just doing stuff
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There is something inspiring about calling every new thing an adventure. It immediately makes it more interesting, and while you are still attached to the outcome,  it’s less upsetting when things take longer or turn out differently to what you expect.
pleasure: recharge
rest, relax, recharge


  • turn off the computer by 9 pm
  • read two books per month

Guilt free idleness is easier when it has a purpose, though I guess if it has a purpose it’s not idleness is it? I’m giving myself two challenges (ironically).


  • turn off my computer by 9 pm and relaxing in front of the tv.
  • read two books per month (read one so far)

But I took a mental health day too.

wisdom: choice
having the capacity to make choices

I’ve chosen to catch up with some unfinished business and get it out of the way though I would prefer to be doing something else instead. Long term gain.
wisdom: growth
become a more complex person by challenging beliefs, developing my mind and having the courage of my convictions, choosing me for me

I’ve been learning a lot about blogs, and CSS and a little HTML. My brain hurts Does that make me a sort of programmer as well?
wealth: income
$29,163 income

I’ve sold more books (yay!) and got some royalties – 0.12% of my income target…


Spent most of the month proofreading and correcting Build Your Signature Wardrobe, so the paperback will be available for bookshops to order by the end of the months.

wealth: expenditure
reduce expenditure

There were the dresses, perfect but over budget – damn you foreign exchange rates!

How’s your year shaping up?

Click here for other Project Worthwhile Life progress reports.


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