February 2021

February 2021 was mostly devoted to settling the new addition to our family in.

There was a lot of dog proofing, though we found out fairly quickly it was mostly inadequate, so we now have boxes stacked above puppy height with all the portable things.

Beauty: body
I enjoy exercising my lean, healthy 59 kg body several times a week.
• Eat < 5g of salt and sugar per day.
• Walk 10,000 steps per day.
• Sleep 8 hours each night.
• Go vegetarian
67.6 kg
67.2 kg
I’ve been walking every day before breakfast. Even better, we’re walking uphill and I can feel the workout. Even if I’m red-faced and gasping at the top.

Not sleeping as well as I’d like, but I’m sleeping with one ear open as I’d rather get up in the middle of the night that face the dog’s night soil in the morning!
Beauty: garden
My garden is peaceful (lush and abundant, providing habitats, weather protection and a mystical threshold)
Q1&2: finish the plan and start landscaping/planting.
😐🙂We mainly checked the fences and dog-proofed the yard.

Looks good with a mow though.
Beauty: home
I live in a comfortable home that soothes my soul.
🙂🙂The current state of the puppy toy strewn house even stretches my lassez-faire attitude to housework. I’m up vacuuming most mornings, but it’s kind of fun because Clever Girl chases the cleaner.
Friendship: Friends
I love meeting new people, and as I am friendly and outgoing, I make friends easily.
• Make some local writer friends.
😐🙂Had some friends for lunch, and it was WONDERFUL to see people in person. Must do it again!

Advised you to remember life is short.
Friendship: Creatures
My creatures are happy and healthy and find my garden a haven.
🙂🙂Clever Girl is settling in well. She’s already figured out how to bypass the puppy gate, and enjoys playing endless rounds of fetch. I learned five things from her, and one more.
Friendship: Contribution
I share my knowledge, time, and money with those who need it.
• Write and publish stories.
🙂🙂Published Secret Singer. Next story due the 15th.
Pleasure: Recharge
Read 104 books
😐😐Still not much joy with the reading, only this time because it’s hard to synchronise puppy nap time with reading. I probably need to nap than her anyway!

I Know How She Does ItThe Rise
Wisdom: growth
I learn and grow every day.
• Visit a historically or culturally significant venue or event each month.
🙂🙂The dog gets her last vaccinations this month, and we’re looking forward to all the wonderful places we can take her.

Considered the cost of money.
Wealth: time
Write 653,236 words to complete my first million fiction words.
🙂🙂Wrote 14,464 words. Clever Girl is starting to get into a routine, so I’m hoping to pick up speed and write more.

My productivity journalling has been a bit hit and miss in February 2021. I’ve mostly documented my frustration at not being able to get much done. Hopefully, I will be more consistent in March.

We (Clever Girl and I) are settling into a morning routine, though feral hour in the afternoon isn’t much good for closing things down and planning the next day. Or adding stickers.

Talk about living in the moment!

You can find more monthly reports on the Life Worth Living page.


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