Expectation is a way of thinking about the future. You’re expecting a particular outcome from the actions you’re taking.
Maybe you’re following a recipe expecting for a delicious meal.
Or perhaps gleefully preparing a prank.
Either way, your plan might go as expected, giving you the result you expect.
Or something strange, and weirdly outlandish might happen instead.
But perhaps, expectation is better labelled expectations, because you don’t know what detours, or gentle meanders you might take amongst the unexpected.
You might recall I made some kanban boards, hoping to get organised. The results so far could best be described as mixed.
Certainly not the result I was hoping for – crisp and clear project management to be going on with.
Though not exactly the result I dreaded either; an ultimately useless, if enoyable couple of days making up the boards.
So perhaps, the best we can hope for, as opposed to expect, is something in the middle – not altogether good, but not altogether bad either.
Something that gets us a little closer to the place we hope to be.
Especailly if that place turns out to be a little different to our expectations as well.

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[…] wasn’t as successful at getting ahead as I’d hoped. It just made me think the nature of burn out, and attempts to overcome […]