2023 Summer Wardrobe Plan

As I sit here writing 2023 Summer Wardrobe Plan, it’s still winter out there, (just like last year), and hotness seems a long way away.

A long, long, looong way away

2022 Summer/2023 Winter Recap

Summer 2022 turned out to be an exercise in adjustment to my worsening skin condition. I bought a lot of essentials; undies and socks.

I also decided with such a hot summer and a minimal wardrobe, best to buy in lots of three (one to wear with two in the wash).

And winter brought me the lessons of sticking with natural fibres, spreading feet, and making sure when you decide something, you follow it all the way through.


I overspent over both summer and winter.

Though last year’s summer clothes remain barely worn.

So I shall think positive and aim for a $500 budget.


My weight has stabilised for the moment, and I remain a size smaller than “usual.”

I’ll be having a bilateral mastectomy shortly, which means I won’t have to worry about bras again.

Still need plain black clothes for concentration.


More or less the same building blocks:

  • Colour: black.
  • Pattern: colour blocks.
  • Silhouette: Still liking the 1:3 ratio – short top over long bottom e.g., short top with jeans. Especially with the skinnier waist.
  • Design Line: I still prefer semi-fitted to fitted clothing, but will have to see how I feel after the mastectomy.
  • Texture: Light and Smooth.


The exercise wear from last year still works, as do my dresses.

As long as Clever Girl has outgrown her shoe chewing, I’m all good in the summer footwear department with two pairs of sandals and two pairs of sneakers.

As ever I wanted a new pair of jeans, but spoiler alert, I bought and altered them the day I visited the surgeon ($65).

And the political t-shirt seen above – #yes23 ($40 including postage).

So I’m going to go out on a limb and say I don’t need anything.

Wardrobe Review

So. All good for outside layers, hats, and shoes. Last year’s lovely rosey sundress for dressy occasions.

Still plenty of black from 2020 – dresses, skirts, pants. Some of it a little too large at this point so that’s gone into the charity bin already.

2023 Summer Wardrobe Shopping Plan

From where I sit, I’m doing okay. I could probably get by without buying anything this season.

Which leaves me with $395 for something “wonderful” should it arise.

I have to say, planning not to shop for summer feels weird.

Really weird.

How is your Summer 2023 planning coming along?

Photo by Nikola Tasic on Unsplash

For more, see my wardrobe planning page.

Signature Wardrobe Planning

Buying clothes seems easy, but getting matching ones that fit you and your lifestyle and share washing instructions is more difficult.

Signature Wardrobe Planning shares a plan for buying the right clothes at the right price for the right life. So you always have something to wear that makes you look and feel confident.

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