Before I start my Summer wardrobe planning, it’s time for the 2018 Signature Winter Wardrobe Update.
2018 Winter Plan
The 2018 Winter plan was for a basic 8 outfit wardrobe:
- 5 interchangeable work/errand/social outfits
- 1 exercise
- 1 house cleaning
- 1 yard work
And my planned purchases were:
- Alterations: 2 tops and a waistcoat to provide a minimally viable wardrobe, say $100.
- Jeans: another (non-stretch) pair, say $200.
- Tops: Let’s day three brightly patterned tops $450.
- Pencil Skirt: Just in case I see one I like.
2018 Winter Update
Like many of my plans so far this year, it went a bit pear-shaped.
Budget $100, cost $104.
As it turns out, my “women’s” waistcoat was just a men’s waistcoat with the buttons on the wrong side – not women’s at all! My dressmaker showed me how women’s seams are cut and sewn in a curve to take account of bosoms. I am aggrieved at the misrepresentation but also relieved my dressmaker is a genius.
Budget $200, cost $117.
Bought new jeans ($55), but caved and bought some leggings ($62).
Budget $450, cost $402.
I was trying to economise, so I bought three inexpensive tunics online to go with the leggings ($71), and I am so unhappy with two of them. They fit poorly, are badly made, and look utterly ugly on my body. I wore them a few times, but I just had to get rid of them as they were sapping my confidence.
So I took some fabric to the dressmaker to have some tops made, but she had a wedding party to make, so the tops won’t be ready (and I won’t have to pay for them) until late September.
So I ordered three tops and a dress on sale ($331) and I love them, but they’re not warm enough for winter, though they’ll be brilliant for summer.
Pencil Skirt
Just in case (no budget)
A nice tweed one ($156) that I didn’t get round to altering and therefore didn’t wear.
So that was $779 against a budget of $750, which is not too bad.
- I had to replace my activity tracker ($380) (though I may yet argue this doesn’t belong in my clothing budget).
- While they lasted longer than I expected, my slippers died ($112).
- What with the weight gain, I had to get some new bras and seeing as I was at it, some matching undies. ($300)
- Something wonderful turned out to be cute floral sneakers ($50).
- I was unexpectedly invited to an event ($778).
All up the added $1,620 put me well over budget.
And what with not having lost any weight (yet) it puts me in a somewhat perilous position for summer.
How did your winter wardrobe pan out?