We’re Busy Doing Nothing

Many of my friends are marooned at home, busy doing nothing. For them the world has ended, but for me nothing much has changed.

I’m busy writing and publishing short stories. And submitting them to magazines (my Ellery Queen story will be out in a week or so). Researching and writing another non-fiction book. Planning to recover my books.

So for those of you chafing about being home, here’s a catchy busy doing nothing song I’ve been humming for a few days.

It’s from the 1948 movie A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, based on the Mark Twain book of the same name. I read the book as a child and saw the movie with my parents though I couldn’t say whether I was a child at the time or not.

Unfortunately the video doesn’t feature the movie, but it does have the words.

I hope you enjoy it! (Had sound and autoplays)

And now that I’ve heard the song again, I’m thinking I must try and find a copy of the movie.

And find another earworm to take its place!

three women lying in a garden in the wreckage of a broken hammock frame
Banool ladies in a fallen hammock c. 1886 – 1895 via State Library Victoria

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