Well, Q3 may have gone a lot better if I hadn’t missed the first couple of months, but with a new spirit of get-it-done-ishness, my Q4 plan can only make it better!

Q4 Plan
‘Clinton’ single storey Federation style house c. 1906. Constructed in red brick with rough cast dressings, half-timbered gable ends, a timber verandah and terracotta tiled roof. The corner entrance hall is a characteristic of this style. William Pitt architect (1855-1918) via State Library Victoria.

In fact, I’m half inclined to skip the Q3 review altogether, but there are some things to learn and take forward to my Q4 plan.

Q3 was indeed a time of Great Regret (Dean Wesley Smith), and Q4 will indeed be the Great Restart. I’d like to say I’m a special snowflake – I was sick, not distracted, but I still came out at the end of Q3 flailing, so now I’m raring to start Q4 to see what I can salvage from the year.

2022 Vision

Still going with the “Stephen King Famous” vision.

Q3 Review/Q4 Plan

My goals remain the same, it’s just some keystones have changed.

Goal #1: Stay Married to DB

As mentioned, I didn’t really get started on Q3.

I’ve been trying to branch out in the food production (see goal 2), and it hasn’t always been a success. Probably get to the chores, 4 out of 7 times, and am doing fairly well on not moving his things.

So, no change on the goal or the three keystone activities (the ones most likely to produce the results you want):

  • Cook his favourite meals.
  • Do the chores that annoy him the most when they don’t get done.
  • Never move anything he puts down.

Goal #2: lose 14.1 kg by January 3, 2023 (target 52 kg)

I mentioned I started a supervised weight loss plan (which I prefer to taking more pills). They think I can get to 52 kg, but I will be happy if I can finally get to 59.9. The plan comes focuses on nutrition over calories, so it’s required a change in mindset. And some keystone activity changes.

  • Maintain the daily nutritional balance.
  • Take 150-300 minutes of moderate activity per week.
  • Don’t eat after 7pm.

Goal #3: Stephen King Famous

Still looking forward to my version of Stephen King’s career (though there are some obvious differences) so I’m staying with the same keystone activities.

  • Write 500 – 1,000 words every day.
  • Complete a novella each month.
  • Submit 5 stories to high-quality magazines, competitions, awards and anthologies every week.

Planning Notes

The only major change is in the eating, so just a little tweak again. I suppose that’s the benefit of quarterly planning over annual – you haven’t planned so far ahead it feels like a defeat to change it up a bit.

What’s your plan for the last quarter of the year?

For more, see the Project Life Worth Living page.


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