Now and again, I pitch up to my desk to find my brain is mysteriously empty. No ideas or inspiration to be found.
As though some kind of bug has snuck in though my ear, or nose, and eaten all my thoughts up.
And is presumably rolling around in my empty head, having over eaten, feeling very sorry for itself.
It usually happens on days when I feel as though I have a lot to get done, and can’t quite make up my mind what to do first.
Presumably because of the brain eating bug.
Today it’s more like I haven’t slept well for a few days with the heat and humidity.
I would much rather shop online or binge on some delicious new tv show. Something that will make the hours until the day’s heat dissipates disappear.
Though the Bureau of Meteorology is predicting another warm night tonight.
So may be the answer is to put the aircon on, take a shower, and see how I feel when I cool down.
Maybe that brain eating bug will vomit up sufficient brain cells to provide some ideas or inspiration.
At least enough of it to be going on with.