It’s that time again. Time to wish you Happy Holidays 2024.
This year the whole season has caught me unaware.
Firstly because we had a pretty intense six months of planning and doing renovations.
Starting with ripping out the entire termite eaten floor…
Secondly, once the renovations were complete, and we were back in the house, but before I finished unpacking I caught a cold.
Which lasted from halfway through November to halfway through December.
Featuring an awful, awful hacking cough.
The only good thing about it was DB calling me “cough drop,” a nickname I kinda like.
I’m tired, and I’m grumpy, and I just want to close the gates, eat loads of expensive chocolate and read books.
But at least here in Australia, it’s warm.
And it’s cherry season. Not to mention berries, peaches, nectarines, and melons.
And the farm gates will be open until we’ve eaten so many we’re sick of them.
In the meantime, I’ll put the hammock up, eat cherries, and read books for a couple of weeks.
Happy Holidays 2024
Back on January 13th.