The last few months have been so busy I barely saw it coming, and now, all of a sudden, it’s my 2024 transplantiversary – my 13th!
It’s been such a long time, that the bulk of the neohrologists I used to see are no longer at my hospital. Which kind of makes me wonder a little about the career path of medical specialists.
Twelve years on, I’m recovering from a bilateral mastectomy, and having all my implants removed, but all in all I feel pretty good about the last year.
The Kidney
My kidney function is more stable this year than last, though I’m battling high cholestoral and am now considered diabetic.
I’ve moved to a plant based diet, eating meat only once or twice a week at most. Usually when I’m too lazy to put together what I now think of as “proper” food
It’s really quite amazing the types of food you default to when you’re tired and feeling the lack of a creative spark. I am astonished at the amount of bread I’ve been eating.
Which is one reason I’m eating fruit regularly!
I joined a medical trial to work on the glucose, but now I’m battling sugar cravings. Sadly my glucose numbers have not improved yet, but I figured if I’m going to be craving (and eating) sugary snacks, I’ll make sure they’re high in fibre and lowish in sugar. So now I’m baking.
And I’m eating less salty snacks and processed foods.
But, I still need to lose weight, get back to my meditation and yoga pracices.
The Body
I’m still walking most days, though we haven’t been as diligent about that with all the work going on in the house.
Clever Girl is slowing down a little, so she’s not playing as many ball games with me in the morning. We bought her a Sherrin football, and she does a pretty good mark, though she has a tendency to change codes and run off with the ball! (She loves a good scrum).
Here in the 2024 transplantiversary, I found a new sunblock, though I need to make a point of reapplying it more often. Or as my dermatologists says, every day, twice a day.
The Work
I didn’t get as much done as I hoped in 203 due to the cottage construction, and in 2024, I haven’t got as much done thanks to the work on the house.
Twice as frustrating as last year!
Unfortunately, I was hacked earlier this year, happily “just” the kind where you’re redirected to less desireable sites, but I’ve had to rework the sites from scratch, and there’s still a bit to do.
Would be nice to get that done by the end of the year…
I’ve written a few stories, but not published much
The Verdict
My 2024 Transplantiversary was a mix of good and bad.
Doing the best I could.
I’ve dropped some habits (good and bad), but picked up some questionable ones too.
At least I’m back in my home, and life has settled down somewhat.
I’ve lost many of my routines, though that gives me the oportunity to start again from scratch. To build new ones
But did I make the spirit of my organ donor proud?
I feel I could’ve done more, but at the same time, I don’t know how I could’ve done more. I believe I did the best I could do under the circumstances.
The devil’s in the details as they say.
And I can’t help feeling I’m setting myself up for a failure in next year’s transplativersary.
If you’d like to read more about my Transplantiversaries, click here.
A selection of Mexican devil masks, photo by Daniel Sealey on Unsplash
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