Pictures from June 2015

Virtue May June Notes
beauty: body
weigh ≤61kg by 21 September

🙂 65.2kg



Didn’t meet my weight target. I stayed on the “go with the flow” eating plan, so maybe there is something to be said for eating to schedule. Though 300g isn’t much of a weight gain – could I chalk it up to winter comfort food. I do think that if I could force myself out of the house for exercise I’d do better.
beauty: presence
stick to the guidelines and continue to build a practical and workable wardrobe that reflects who I am



 Found jeans!

But my hair is still stained yellow, or as my hairdresser says green… And with the pixie growing out it is starting to curl and I look way too much like Margaret Thatcher for my comfort.

beauty: home
sparse yet comfortable happy home that reflects our authentic selves



  The dishwasher and I have reached an agreement.
beauty: garden
lush and abundant garden providing habitats, weather protection and a mystical threshold



We have done heaps of work in the garden, using the thrills, spills and fills approach, using some of the plants I mentioned when I told you about the King Parrots. Obviously not much to see as they are only little plants. But I did think that we are six months in now, and that’s really the time we should be doing a proper mid-project review so that will be coming up.
friendship: creatures
get the dogs well and healthydevelop habitats to support native species



Pretty girl has had an ear infection for several weeks which turns out to be a strain of antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus. Came about coincidentally close to her kennel holiday…

Our bird friends are mostly reduced to cockatoos and rosellas at the moment, and while they are annoying they are funny.

friendship: friends
maintain and improve relationships with international and e- friendsmake new friends, especially local



 Managed to catch up with real friends in person this week. But I confess I enjoy firing up the laptop and seeing messages from my imaginary (virtual) friends.
friendship: family
Managing and constraining relationships with family



 A quiet month family wise.  Made some unsuccessful phone calls and wrote letters.
friendship: contribution
give something back to the community and the planet



The best I can offer is that I gave up my seat on the train to an elderly lady, and held a dog’s lead so its owner could retie their shoe laces.
pleasure: adventure
taking risks and international vacations



 I’m afraid my adventure has been about the book. I’ve been investigating launches and marketing which is stimulating, terrifying and utterly senseless by turns
pleasure: recharge
rest, relax, recharge



A lot of nana naps, though in my defence pretty girl has been keeping me awake with her ears.
pleasure: just because



Tried some new ginger and dark chocolate biscuits, though that might have been more of an adventure. They weren’t bad.
wisdom: choice
having the capacity to make choices



 I’m choosing to pull back at the moment, and focus on getting the book done.
wisdom: growth
become a more complex person by challenging beliefsunderstand and develop my mind: critical thinking, self-reflection, subject expertisehave the courage of my convictions, choosing me for me



I still suck at cryptic crosswords.

I mentioned last time, that I had been thinking about what it meant to be part of a household, instead of independent. Trying to place a value on who I am and what I do, but I am closer to any conclusions.

wealth: income
$29,163 income



No income to declare. Not even a jar of jam
wealth: expenditure
reduce expenditure



$88 on jeans, and $44 on comfortable ski socks to wear with my wellingtons in the garden

If you would like to know more about more about how 2015 is going, click here for the monthly progress reports.


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