July 2018 Progress Report

July 2018

I spent a good proportion of July 2018 business planning and reviewing, and I feel like it’s almost Christmas because my head is so far in the future. Mind you, right now the future looks bright, so that’s a good thing.


I learn and grow every day.

 ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™‚Partly because of the business work, I’ve been thinking a lot about stories, especially those that give us meaning. I’ve been rewriting my stories in different ways to see how they feel which has felt a bit weird..
Energy: Wellness

I enjoy exercising my lean, healthy 59 kg body several times a week.

I walk more steps each day.

66.9 kg
68.4 kg
The joy of confirming my transplant was well has completely overshadowed the successful resolution of the second cataract surgery. And rendered the dentist visit insignificant; though I was very happy when he applied anaesthetic gel to my gums before cleaning my teeth.
Energy: Presence

Plan a more energetic wardrobe

๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚The tunics I ordered on-line in June arrived and I feel fat and frumpy in them. On the one hand, a great reminder not to reduce your standards, and on the other a waste of money – inexpensive as they were they’ll probably not be worn again.


Katy discovered I have a Google Knowledge Panel (just Google Alexandria Blaelock Author) which is very exciting despite its sparseness. It would seem that I have been fairly successful at restricting the amount of information about me out there.  She suggested I need a public appearance outfit.

Friendship: Friends

I love meeting new people, and as I am friendly and outgoing, I make friends easily.

๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚We managed to catch up with Katy and Toseland for dinner, which was lovely. Except that I wasn’t very hungry – nothing worse than eating out and not being tempted.


But while I was figuring out what might tempt my appetite, I wrote a Dinner Party when you’re not hungry. And tried to understand why the Nespresso machine upset me.

Plus I had the opportunity to meet an online friend in person, which was fantastic!

Friendship: Contribution

I share my knowledge, time, and money with those who need it.

 ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚I shopped locally, and was surprised and inspired by my local dressmaker’s ingenuity. I’ve been thinking about how I can apply her techniques to my own business.


Not to mention the importance of changing your thoughts about shopping for leisure to more of a business-like purchasing role instead.

Prosperity: Leisure

I am brave and adventurous not afraid to try new things.

๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚Still knitting – dog hair optional. I love the wool so much I ordered more.


We tried a new local restaurant and were pleasantly surprised.

Prosperity: Household

I live in a beautiful house, with a tranquil garden.

Happy and healthy creatures and find my garden a haven.

๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚The garden’s been winterised, and my poor roses look so barren. Luckily there are squillions of jonquils, and other spring bulbs on the way.


Poor Pretty Girl had another lump removed, this time from her leg. She was very cross about the bucket, but after she’d taken it and the bandage off she was fine and gave her leg no more attention. Funny dog.

July 2018 has been productive in many ways, but my journal has relatively few stickers. Possibly because there were many big tasks that took days to complete. I feel like I got a lot done anyway.

How did July 2018 go for you?

You can find more monthly reports on the Project Worthwhile Life page.


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