2021 Review (Year’s End)

As 2021 draws to its close, it’s time to look back and take stock in a 2021 review. Because if you don’t, what will you learn, and how can you do better next year?

2021 review
police news december 30 1876, fragment festive end-of-year edition cover via state Library victoria

2021 Review

To recap; my 2021 plan was to take it back to basics, mainly because I couldn’t see anything certain coming up. I’d intended to talk about priorities instead of goals, but somewhere along the line, I forgot, and just kept doing the same reports.

1. Husband

I’d hoped to stay married to DB, because he is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I didn’t want to take him for granted, or allow him to feel that way. I wanted to make sure I did some things he might appreciate every day, like:

  • Cooking his favourite meals.
  • Sharing his concerns.
  • Doing the chores that annoy him the most when they don’t get done.

Over all, he hasn’t complained as much as previous years, though that’s not much of an indicator as we were almost torn asunder by a bunch of celery (my bad). But in general, he seems willing to give it a crack for another year.

2. Health

2020 was not good healthwise (stroke, etc), so I hoped to eat, exercise and sleep better; creating routines/habits for 2021 as much as I could. And of course, helping me would also help DB as well.

  • Walk every morning before breakfast.
  • Prepare healthy lunches at breakfast.
  • Slowly give up meat and sugar.

We’ve managed most of that, so I’m really happy. We’ve both lost weight, blood pressure’s down though my medication hasn’t changed.

3. Writing

I did (of course) set some writing goals.

  • Write every day.
  • Write first thing in the morning.
  • Finish one thing, then write the next.

And these, (screws up face), haven’t quite worked out as well as I’d hoped; while I managed to write almost every day, I mostly did it after lunch.

Because, well, Clever Girl doesn’t settle down for a good long nap until the afternoon.

But, here’s the rundown

So overall, it went well.

And indirectly, such a small focus ensured it got done, and I think that’s a good lesson to take into 2022.

How was your 2021 review?

For more, see the Project Life Worth Living page.

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