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June has been another tough month under Covid restrictions has passed, even though they’re easing a bit.
Even homebodies like me are starting to chafe at not being able to get out and about much anymore.
On the one hand, people want to get back to normal.
On the other, most recognise that under present circumstances, we need a better kind of normal.
Though we’re not exactly sure what that will be. Or how much we as individuals might have to sacrifice for the greater good.
Some of us have it tough right now, and for some of you, normal is about to get a whole lot tougher.
Normal might mean you lose your job, home, and spouse.
But maybe we can choose to be more thoughtful and caring towards those who will lose the most.
And maybe a little less concerned about those who will lose the least.
Because no matter where we end up after this, we will all be sacrificing something one way or another.
This illustration of a dog chasing a man c. 1908 is part of a postcard created by H.W. Turner. It’s part of the Eve Pryor Collection of Comic Postcards, La Trobe Picture Collection, State Library of Victoria
See more of my Haiku here.
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