Lately I’ve been thinking about quitting. In general, I’m the kind of person that just keeps moving on until the job is done.
Tag: Time
More Morning Routine
I’m not sure whether it’s because this is already an unusual year, but I’ve been thinking more about my morning routine. Perhaps because there’s been so little else to pin the days on, and the lazy, langourous, sleepy sense of nothing much happening lasts for about 87 hours per day.
Taking a Short Break
I wish I could say we’re taking a short break vacation, but sadly, I’m just taking care of a crap-tonne of pre-renovation stuff behind the scenes.
Time, Time, Time!
Did you ever wonder how it is that time seemed to last forever when you were young but now you’re old it’s gone before you know it?
Freak Situations
In one of a number of freak situations, we recently endured a major power outage/failure/interruption caused by wild weather. Fingers are pointing, accusations are flying, and we’re ducking recriminations all round. More than half the state of Victoria was affected.
Time and Tide Wait for No One
Time and tide bring to mind the story of King Canute commanding the tide to be still. But tide is also an Old English word, meaning a period of time, such as Yuletide, (good) tidings and (woe) betide for example.