This morning as we were walking Clever Girl, I heard a woman going through 5 stages of dog calling, and it occurred to me they’re quite similar to Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s stages of grief.

This morning as we were walking Clever Girl, I heard a woman going through 5 stages of dog calling, and it occurred to me they’re quite similar to Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s stages of grief.
We managed to get away and took Clever Girl for a long walk along the beach. While we were there, we saw a little seal pup.
Poor Pretty Girl is gone now, and I find myself not only orphaned but petless too. It’s been hard to start again
I’ve mentioned one of my major goals this year is to create a peaceful garden that’s lush and abundant, provides habitats, weather protection and a mystical threshold. And the goal for Q1 2020, is to plan and start landscaping it. So, I’ve been reading some books about Edna Walling gardens, mainly because I’ve seen what’s[…]READ MORE?
With a spot of sunny weather, and an empty skip replacing the full one, we spent a little time tidying the garden. And I ended with a daffodil on my desk in memory of it.
I admit it – now and again; I get annoyed with Clever Girl and want to send her back. But I recently realised it’s too late now. We can’t let her go.
One of the amazing things about birds and animals, is vocal group communications, whether that’s the Dawn Chorus, Twighlight Barking, or the alarm tones that signal mass evacuations. And time-based activities aren’t always vocal. Some years ago we sat on a beach watching the sun go down and found ourselves sitting near a mob of[…]READ MORE?
I noticed this cairn at the dog park today… I don’t know who left it. Or how many people added to it, or why it’s there, or in fact, anything about it at all.
We recently got a new dog, and boy it’s been exhausting. Lily died at 16. And I’d forgotten what she was like during the first few months.
Since my post about my garden planning, people have told me how weird they think life with wildlife must be.
Here in Australia, we’re just a couple of weeks away from the Federal Election. Like all elections, the bulk of candidates are campaigning on Traditional Family Values. Traditional Family Values Or to put it another way, defining who Australians are, what we stand for, and what our way is. It’s quite funny. Most candiates have[…]READ MORE?