June 2022, was pretty much missing in action – I went out to visit a doctor and came home with a lurgy or two. It seems I need to build up my immunity after being confined to the house for the better part of two years.

June 2022

Even had to drop the 04:30 wakeup calls for a while because I needed the sleep. I still felt the benefit and have come back to it, on and off as I felt better and worse.

So the main happening over the month was Clever Girl and I visiting her bestie. It’s fun, but we walk past her house everyday and Clever Girl always wants to stop in. They make a good collage though.

Might not have felt the best, but I managed to get a novella on the market.

And managed to read a few books – still ahead of my reading challenge schedule;

An Elderly Lady Must Not Be CrossedWhen He Was WickedBitter Wash RoadOn the Way to the WeddingMaking Living Lovely

Goal Scoring

The score is a percentage; the times I did the keystone activity (most likely to produce the result) divided by the times I planned to. A “good” score is above 85%. I check in every week, but I’ll only note the averages here.

I stopped scoring myself early in June, so I got a little further over twelve weeks than last quarter, and I’d like to think I’d have kept track if I hadn’t been sick

#1: Stay Married to DB
• Cook his favourite meals.
• Do the chores that annoy him the most when they don’t get done.
Never move anything he puts down.
I still cooked and cleaned, but not to schedule and less effectively.
#2: lose 5.6 kg by July 3, 2022
• Eat smaller portions.
• Don’t eat snacks.
• No eating after 7 pm.
Too much comfort eating…
#3: Stephen King Famous
• Write 500 – 1,000 words every day.
• Complete a novella each month.
• Publish the novella the next month.
Didn’t write for most of the month, though I finished novella #2, and got an unrelated novella on the market.

Being sick is an endless time suck that takes all the joy out of life. I hope I’ve left the illness behind with June 2022, but there’s still a few weeks to go before we start warming up again.

How was your June?

You can find more monthly reports on the Life Worth Living page.


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