January 2022, the first four weeks of my first attempt at a 12 Week Year. With mixed results.

January 2022

January 2022 got off to a fairly slow start, despite my high expectations. We’ve had some scorchingly hot days, and some thunderstorms. Clever Girls’s demeanour depends on the amount of exercise she gets – sometimes enough, and sometimes she’s a monster!

Covid (Omicron) cases are increasing while supermarket shelves and available test numbers are decreasing. Which is why I rethought my approach to Just-In-Time delivery. The hospital advised me to stay home and get a fourth booster. And then sent me an appointment requiring me to attend the hospital, and to catch a train and a tram to get there. I am starting to get cabin fever so I’m tempted to risk it rather than convert to a Teleheath appointment.

After last year’s Outlook Incident (which deleted a bunch of emails and most of my calendar) I bought an old fashioned paper diary. Over January I spent a lot of time shopping on line for diaries and covers. Checking and rechecking that I bought the right one (which probably isn’t). (Or maybe I just need to get used to it).

Our extension plans are coming along nicely, but taking a lot of time I’d prefer to spend elsewhere. And requiring a lot of online shopping… And a fair bit of Pinteresting.

I started teaching myself to InDesign, which resulted in some tantrums and bad language. And slowed down production, but could lead to some dramatic increases in productivity. Knowing a little Photoshop is not an asset.

Though there was more bad language when I had a couple of cysts removed from my back. Recovery is taking much longer than expected, but I’ll have to stop feeling sorry for myself soon and move on.

Q1 Goal Scores

A note on the scoring; the score is a percentage. Basically, the times I did the “work” divided by the times I planned to. According to the book, a “good” score is above 85%. While I am checking every week, I will only note the average here.

#1: Stay Married to DB
• Cook his favourite meals.
• Do the chores that annoy him the most when they don’t get done.
Never move anything he puts down.
48%Clearly some work to be done with this one. In my defence I had some cysts taken out of my back and they limited my actions more than I expected. Better luck next month.
#2: lose 5.6 kg by April 3, 2022
• Eat smaller portions.
• Don’t eat snacks.
• Don’t eat after 7 pm.
57%Started at 65.6 kg, and finished at 64.5 kg. Off to a good start, but the stitches in my back led to some snacking and late eating.
#3: Stephen King Famous
• Write every day
• Submit 5 stories to high-quality magazines, competitions, awards and anothologies every week.
• Self-publish a books (of existing stories) each month.
90%It’s become apparent that these tasks aren’t really the right tasks for this goal. Or maybe this isn’t the right goal. I’m not exactly sure.

So my goals are taking a little while to get used to, but I will push on and use the results to finetune for Q2.

And that’s my January 2022. Did you fare any better?

You can find more monthly reports on the Life Worth Living page.


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