I feel more positive about the 2021 Holidays than I did about the 2020 Holidays.

Perhpas because last year was looking like more of the same, but this year, I feel like 2022 might actually be better than 2021.

Even if the Covid affected supply chains can’t catch up.

Like Canada dipping into its maple syrup reserves, I managed some strategic shopping during lockdown, so at least I will have some of my Christmas treats to be going on with.

And I hope you do too.

I can manage without my favourite Turkish Turkish Delight, and English chocolate, and even my favourite Belgian beer for another year, though I don’t have to like it. 🙁

So relax, and be grateful for what you manged in 2021.

I’ll be back January 10 2022.

Happy Holidays 2021!

This image is titled ‘Hope’, an allegory painted in 1885 by George Frederic Watts (1817 – 1904). It was reproduced as a lantern slide by permission of Mrs G.F. Watts and is posted her via State Library Victoria.

For more Haiku, click here.


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