I about reached the end of my rope in August 2020.
For the most part nothing much has changed for me since January. I stay home, I write, I develop my Photoshop skills, I get through the day.
But even I am having difficulties.
I’d probably still choose to stay home, but having the choice taken away from me is hard.
It feels like having a plan is a waste of time.
Virtue | Jul | Aug | Notes |
Pleasure: Recharge Read | 🙂 | 🙂 | My story came out in this month’s Ellery Queen magazine. I met my 2020 reading target this month, so I copied Toseland and increased it. Still binging on romances and manga. Started getting really picky and abandoning stories that didn’t grip me. • Fullmetal Alchemist (3-in-1 Edition), V1 • Fullmetal Alchemist (3-in-1 Edition), V2 • Fullmetal Alchemist (3-in-1 Edition), V3 • Fullmetal Alchemist (3-in-1 Edition), V4 • Fullmetal Alchemist (3-in-1 Edition), V5 • Holiday In The Hamptons • The Dream of a Thousand Nights • The Bedlam Stacks • One Mad Night • I Dream of Johnny • |
Friendship: Friends I love meeting new people, and as I am friendly and outgoing, I make friends easily. • Make some local writer friends. | 🙁 | 🙁 | It feels like I have more imaginary than real friends |
Friendship: Creatures My creatures are happy and healthy and find my garden a haven. | 😐 | 😐 | No movement on the new dog font. Even the creatures that live in the garden are quiet. |
Friendship: Contribution I share my knowledge, time, and money with those who need it. • Write and publish stories. | 🙂 | 🙂 | Best I can say is that I’m staying home so the people I love don’t have to worry about me. Shared some marble magic. |
Beauty: body I enjoy exercising my lean, healthy 59 kg body several times a week. • Eat < 5g of salt and sugar per day. • Walk 10,000 steps per day. • Sleep 8 hours each night. | 🙂 69.2 kg | 🙁 69.4kg | OMG I have got to stop eating chocolate!!! Took a break from chocolate and ate jelly dinosaurs. |
Beauty: garden My garden is peaceful (lush and abundant, providing habitats, weather protection and a mystical threshold) Q3 & 4: finish the plan and start landscaping/planting. | 🙁 | 🙁 | Discovered a new English broom and some Scottish thistles (noxious weeds) in the garden. Hopefully, I got them all before they set seed. |
Beauty: home I live in a comfortable home that soothes my soul. | 😐 | 😐 | It feels like a waste of effort. |
Wisdom: growth I learn and grow every day. • Visit a historically or culturally significant venue or event each month. | 😐 | 😐 | Moving right along… Though I thought about wise monkeys. |
Wealth: time Turn the computer off by 5:30 pm. | 😉 | 😐 | I turn it off, but then move to the laptop on the couch. |
Most of August 2020 went on packaging and publishing stories. Also rebranded all my old books, and published a short novel that’s still trickling through to the stores.
My writing streak is up to 55 days, though I can’t honestly say they’ve all been the most productive.
It’s been a huge month for getting things done, and my productivity journal includes lots of stickers of happy cats and sea otters and tail waggy dogs.
You stay well now. I promise I’ll work really hard on not going nuts if you do too.
You can find more monthly reports on the Life Worth Living page.