2020 Q1 Review

2020 Q1 Review
Misses Elder and Wade use an identification chart to check at their observations before making their report, c. 1943. Argus Newspaper Collection of Photographs, State Library of Victoria.

Before I start with the 2020 Q1 review, let’s take a quick look back.

As it turns out, those astrological predictions of a turbulent start to 2020 weren’t that far off. It’s gone so far that the ABC’s political editor Andrew Probyn has named it the year god forgot.


And just like it seems to have blown the rest of the planet off course, it’s done for me as well.

Though it is only the end of the first quarter, so as far as I’m concerned, it’s still too early to call.

2020 Q1 Personal Goals

PleasureAdventureQ3, or perhaps early Q4 when I hit my restless peak, an international vacation.Actual hard and fast plans are out of the question at this point, so this had been left at visiting Korea and Japan should Australia open its borders again.😐
PleasureRechargeRead 78 books.I’m doing well on this one – last time I checked 16 books ahead of schedule.🙂
FriendshipFriendsMake some local writer friends.This one is on hold as well, because we’re requried to #stayathome.

And the main way I would achieve this is by Author Association workshops and functions, but I bought some online courses so that might be out as well.

We’ll see.
FriendshipCreaturesMy creatures are happy and healthy and find my garden a haven.Well… I just lost my main creature, and we don’t plan to get another just yet. There are planned activities we’d like to do first. Like that overseas vacation.😐
FriendshipContributionI share my knowledge, time, and money with those who need it.I’m in some online forums, and I think I’m helping. But everything else has gone to shit…😐
BeautyBodyI enjoy exercising my lean, healthy 59 kg body several times a week.
• Eat < 5g of salt and sugar per day.
• Walk 10,000 steps per day.
• Sleep 8 hours each night.
I have actually lost some weight – back to July 2017, though it still fluctuates. Not walking or sleeping as much as I’d hoped, but still trying to establish a routine.😐
BeautyGardenPlan and implement a peaceful garden (lush and abundant, providing habitats, weather protection and a mystical threshold),
Q1: plan garden and start landscaping.
Q2: finish landscaping and start planting.
Q3: nurture and enjoy.
Q4: nurture and enjoy.
I have the initial plan worked out, but can’t progress further as the shops are closed.

Fingers crossed I can buy plants and establish them before Summer sets in again.
BeautyHomeI feel that with the work on the garden, my house might be a tip, but I will affirm that I live in a comfortable home that soothes my soul anyway.With or without garden work the house is a tip. And I’m still vacuuming up dog hair.😐
BeautyPresenceArgh! I’m giving myself the style keywords “dainty minimalist,” so we’ll see how we get on.My dainty minimalist wardrobe is quite minimal because the shops are closed, and postage can’t really be relied on.🙂
WisdomGrowthI learn and grow every day.
• Visit a historically or culturally significant venue or event each month.
Well, the shows and venues are closed.

But I’m reading more than I otherwise might.
WealthTimeThis year, it’s still maintaining out of office hours, so finish up at 1730.Kinda😉
WealthMoneyI’m not setting targets for that because I can’t control it. But publishing more books will help.Got some short stories almost ready to publish. It’s taken a little longer than I’d hoped but I’m getting there.🙂

While it looks a little negative overall, 2020 Q1 is in many ways quite funny.

I’ve never been very good at not being an independent, self-directed forward-thinking person. I’ll happily meditate and spend time in self-reflection, but I use those musings for planning my future direction. Covid-19 is a good reminder that I can’t control everything

Now I’ve been forced to take a back seat and let someone(s) else take over. The circumstances are making me think more seriously about my health, and I’m doing that so much I worry (a little) I might be agoraphobic by the time I come out the other side.

DB and I spending more time together, and I am deeply touched and grateful for the care he is taking to keep me safe. And the friends that email and text. While we are forced to interact at a distance, it is possible for us to grow closer together.

I probably should review my goals and make a new plan for the rest of the year, but I’m going to stay positive and leave them as they are. See how things look mid-year.

We can only hope the year gets better, and that we come out the other side, better people than we are now.

How are you going this quarter? And will you make any changes?

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