Planning a Life Worth Living 2020

2020 Planning
A scene that looks a lot like my 2020 plan
Alexander Riley Esq.’s farm “Raby” by Joseph Lycett (1774? – 1828) via State Library Victoria

Before we get to the 2020 planning, let’s take a quick look back.

According to global horoscope predictions (if you believe in that kind of thing):

  • 2017 would be a difficult year full of turbulence (check).
  • 2018 a year of rebuilding and gradual progress (maybe).
  • 2019 would bring positive change, offering hope for a joyful and focused year (kinda).

Seemingly, 2020 is the threshold to a new astrological era. And if you can hold true to your goals while you ride the turbulence, you’ll enjoy the destiny you crave (ooh – err).

And if you’re a Pisces, you’ll find love, get pregnant, forge new professional paths, make tonnes of money, and if you can get your shit together, enjoy reasonable health outcomes. Which sounds quite positive for me, except at my age and health status, the unfortunate pregnancy will take a miracle. But in general, who-hoo!

2020 Vision, Misson and Virtues

In 2018, I focused on being a dynamic businesswoman. but that wasn’t what I really wanted. So in 2019, I focussed on the writing, and I think that’s led to a better outcome.


And being as it worked so well, I’m leaving it the same.

I am a prolific writer, making a good living. I am lean and healthy, happily married, living in a beautiful house, with a tranquil garden.


And I’m leaving my mission the same because, at this time, I don’t know enough about it to narrow it much further.

Entertain and share my wisdom by writing prolifically, and publishing widely.


And I’m staying with my original virtues but rearranging the priorities for 2020.

PleasurePleasure is pursuing activities for their own sake; meeting friends, international vacations, relaxing and recharging.
FriendshipFriendship demands I trust and treat other beings as well as I want to be treated.
BeautyBeauty is about taking care of my physical wellbeing and surroundings and living the authentic me.
WisdomWisdom is having the capacity for choice; challenging my thinking, living intentionally and courageously acting on my convictions.
WealthWealth is feeling prosperous, having sufficient resources (time or money) to meet my needs and some of my wants.

I think that’s a pretty good start, so it’s time to come up with some goals.

Planning 2020

Last year I mentioned Dean Wesley Smith’s “Times of”, that roughly correspond with the quarters:

  • The Time of Great Excitement: (Jan – Mar), when you dive right in and you’re having a great time, achieving your goals.
  • The Time of Great Forgetting (Apr – Jun), your goals fall by the wayside as other things become more important.
  • The Time of Great Regret (Aug- Sep), you start freaking out because the year’s half over and you’re behind schedule.
  • The Time of Restart (Oct – Dec), you get your shit together, get back on track, and start getting excited about a fresh start in the new year.

And that’s pretty much 2019 in a nutshell for me.

Dean suggested accumulating small daily goals into long streaks you don’t want to break. And as I write this, (a little ahead of schedule), I’ve written 44 short stories in 37 weeks, but broke my latest long story streak at 70 days.

But I wondered, would planning by quarters help? I’m certainly going to try some quarterly SMART goals for my writing this year.

Planning 2020 Personal Goals

PleasureAdventureIt doesn’t seem likely Pretty Girl will see another Christmas, so Q3, or perhaps early Q4 when I hit my restless peak, seems a SMART goal for an international vacation.
PleasureRechargeSame as last year, read 78 books.
FriendshipFriendsIn 2019 I tried to make some local writer friends which didn’t go so well. But I’ll try to do BETTER this year, and try not to think too much about coming off like a crazy old lady.

I love meeting new people, and as I am friendly and outgoing, I make friends easily.
Friendship CreaturesSame as last year: My creatures are happy and healthy and find my garden a haven.
Friendship ContributionSame as last year: I share my knowledge, time, and money with those who need it.
BeautyBodySigh. Though the horoscope suggests this year I might make it.

Focussing on the HARD goals, I enjoy exercising my lean, healthy 59 kg body several times a week.
• Eat < 5g of salt and sugar per day.
• Walk 10,000 steps per day.
• Sleep 8 hours each night.
Beauty GardenI recently discovered I’ve misplaced all my garden research, and need to start all over again. Oops.

So back to the peaceful garden (lush and abundant, providing habitats, weather protection and a mystical threshold),
Q1: plan garden and start landscaping.
Q2: finish landscaping and start planting.
Q3: nurture and enjoy.
Q4: nurture and enjoy.
Beauty HomeI feel that with the work on the garden, my house might be a tip, but I will affirm that I live in a comfortable home that soothes my soul anyway.
Beauty PresenceArgh! I’m giving myself the style keywords “dainty minimalist,” so we’ll see how we get on.
WisdomGrowthI learn and grow every day.
• Visit a historically or culturally significant venue or event each month.
WealthTimeThis year, it’s still maintaining out of office hours, so finish up at 1730.
Wealth MoneyI’m not setting targets for that because I can’t control it. But publishing more books will help.

The 2020 Plan

So with all that down on paper, it seems to me like 2020 could be a year worth living.

How’s your 2020 planning coming along?

For more, see the Project Life Worth Living page.

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